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Posts posted by buyacargetacheck

  1. Was on auto row today and noticed that the Pontiac sign on my local dealer's building here north of LA has been covered up. The GM pylon sign out front still has "Pontiac" but will likely be replaced by "Cadillac" as the dealer has replaced his Cadillac-only store with Volkswagen(!) and has moved Cadillac in with Buick/GMC. Interestingly, the HUMMER sign at the same Buick/GMC dealership has not been covered up/removed yet despite the lack of new inventory. The Saturn dealer down the street still has his sign up but no new inventory.

    What's going on in your town?

  2. Right. I like Whitacre a lot. He's about goal-setting and results. Not excuses. This is GM's last chance.

    I understand, but that is why he kept Bob Lutz around as a "senior advisor" and surrounded himself with people who know what is going on. That is why Nick R. is over GM Europe and other people like Mark R. are now president of GM North America. The only appointment that scares me is Susan D.

    So far the board has made good decisions since they changed the board. We almost lost Opel if Fritz had his way. He was not moving fast enough to make any change.

  3. I agree. On average, each HUMMER dealer in the US is only selling about 5 vehicles per month. Most of those are H3s. And sales are decreasing. Hard to make a solid business case for those kinds of volumes. Worldwide, the story is much the same. GMNA accounts for around 72% of sales worldwide with 80 dealers (150 total worldwide). I can see Tengzhong in 2 years, after the GM contractual period ends, simply making money on licensing toys and t-shirts while licensing the name to a HUMMER knock off manufacturer in China. Becomes a China-only brand then.

    I just don't see "Red White and Blue Americans" wanting to buy these anymore. I give Hummer 2 years in America before gone. Life in China however will replace the loss in the US.
  4. The analyst who stated that Renault/Nissan pulling out of the Penske deal is basically a lack of confidence in the US market for the next 2 years is correct. The Chinese are crazy to want to invest in Hummer and Saab. Those brands would be better off dead. There's just no more money to be made. The new GM isn't out of the woods either.

  5. Freakin banal as hell. Jeez. Rockets and desert test bases? Are they marketing to grownups or children?

    And everytime I heard the prefix "Re" I thought of Saturn and "Rethink." How'd that work out? Not good. Just like when they tried to reinvent Oldsmobile before that. Has GM not yet learned that apologizing for the past will not increase sales? Who wants to shell out $40 or $50K for a luxury car that has a name that needs an apology?

    Don't they get it? Not good. Not a good sign.

    BTW, they came close with the "Moments" spot back in the earlier part of the decade. There was a whiff of apology there too but the imagery, music and iron made up for it. There was emotion. Of course, the LeMans program and XLR in the ad are both dead. At least there's the CTS Coupe which will be old news by the time we see them out on the road.


  6. The Enclave is carrying Buick. It's sales were up 40% to 4,103 from last May. The LaX was down 49% and the Lucerne down 28%. For year-to-date the sedans are down 57% and 43% respectively. Overall, the trend is still down like it has been for years.

    GM has GOT to do something about regaining Buick's mojo, its public perception. Same for Cadillac. One way would be to combine the two lineups, call it Cadillac or Buick, and then promote the heck out of it. Otherwise, even with the benefits of bankruptcy, we're looking at both brands fading away for good.

  7. What could Buick do to fill Pontiac's shoes? It's not even a legit question at this point. GM is staring down the bankruptcy barrel. As Chrysler is about to demonstrate this is a time to reset the company and do everything right as if you were starting a brand new company. Chevrolet handles what Pontiac did just fine. GM doesn't have unlimited resources for chasing down BMW and Mercedes with Cadillac. Select Cadillac vehicles (new SRX, Converj and maybe a less expensive GMT900 Escalade) should be moved over to Buick. Cadillac should be cancelled. It's either Cadillac or Buick, and I think Buick can pull off sharing parts and platforms with Chevy better than Cadillac. Plus, the automotive center of the universe is moving to China. Buick can build on that.

    GMC. What do you think the future is for trucks in a more stringent CAFE world? Phase out GMC Chevy clones, move all medium-duty trucks to GMC and spin off the medium trucks to someone else. Retrench with Chevy Trucks to beat Ford, Dodge and Toyota.

    Bottomline 2 channels: Chevy and Buick.

  8. There's only room for either Cadillac or Buick at this point. Both brands are essentially 2 or 3 vehicle brands now, and GM doesn't have the money to have Cadillac do battle with the Germans internationally. 2 or 3 vehicle brands just won't be able to cut through the media din. The future is China and the Chinese apparently like traditional American car values (ride over handling). As crazy as this sounds, GM should use bankruptcy to take the very best Buick dealers and the very best Cadillac dealers and make them all Buick dealers with an 8 or 9 near-luxury vehicle lineup (300K+ sales). It's more believable to make Buicks from Chevys than Cadillacs with Chevys. That's what GM will have to do.

    LaCrosse (EpII)

    Buick "SRX" (Theta)

    Enclave (Lambda)

    Buick "CTS" (based off Camaro)

    Buick Park Avenue (based off Camaro)

    Buick Riviera "CTS Coupe" (based off Camaro)

    Buick "Escalade" (GMT 900)

    Buick "Converj"

    All out advertising effort with Buick promoting its comfort, styling and international appeal. Ditch GMC and polish the Chevy Truck brands even if that means picking up 1/4 to 1/3 of former GMC buyers. Truck sales are not the future and don't require two brands.

    Well you all know my thoughts on this, however GM needs to move swiftly to fill the void left by Pontiac with new fresh Buick and GMC products that will support the current Buick, GMC dealerships. If GM doesn't, as FOG said, it may only be Chevy and Cadillac left standing when all is said and done ...
  9. The savings from being able to close at least two underutilized and unprofitable plants that produce mainly Pontiacs (Wilmington and Orion) won't be small. Plus the millions spent on all the ridiculous advertising trying to convince the general population that Pontiacs are much more than just Chevy reskins. News Flash kids: Pontiac died 30+ years ago.

    The thing is, the "savings" from killing Pontiac vs. keeping it as a niche brand are nil.

    And the costs will prove to be high.

  10. Where are you getting your numbers? Or are you just comparing the M3 to the CTS-V?

    Yes, I agree the CTS and CTS-V are fine cars.

    The CTS, especially in V form, is a world beater, and almost outsold the 3 series or whatever was #1 in sales in the segment before the market crapped out. I don't know how it's selling compared to others right now.
  11. The CTS and Sigma are fine products. But no one but no one believes that Cadillac has the same prestige as BMW or Mercedes or Lexus or even Audi. It all boils down to how the owner feels when he pulls up to the valet at the country club. The product can be great all day, but if the general perception isn't there it won't help sales. Cadillac just doesn't have that "I'm a success" factor anymore. It's like the true story of the XLR owner who was approached by a Mercedes SL owner. The SL owner said he loved the look of the XLR and would love to buy one. But he said he just didn't have the guts. How's the XLR doing now? The SRX and STS were both admitted sales disappointments. This is not conjecture and not a secret. Cadillac destroys its competition? The BMW 3 Series outsells the CTS 2 to 1. The sales numbers below tell the story. Despite an excellent Lutz refresh the CTS is doing about as well as it did when it was intro'd under Ron Zarella.

    2005 CTS 61,512

    2005 STS 33,497

    2005 SRX 22,999

    total 2005 Sigma = 118,008

    2008 CTS 58,774

    2008 STS 14,790

    2008 SRX 16,156

    total 2008 Sigma = 89,720

    Can you run a factory building a dedicated platform at an entry-lux price point profitably at 100K units? Industry rule-of-thumb says no. And sorry, but the DTS does not compete in the same market as the S-Class or 7-Series. They're not even in the same price class.

    You're dreaming if you think a new GM will have the cash to mobilize an all-out assault on BMW, Lexus, Mercedes, and Audi. Just not going to happen. Europeans have rejected Cadillac, Americans are lukewarm to it and the Chinese prefer Buick.

    Well.. leessee...

    >>"GM has failed miserably to get Cadillac anywhere on the same plane as BMW and Mercedes in terms of prestige."<<

    Cadillac's segment sales share in the 3-series segment in 2000 : 0%

    What is it's segment penetration as of '08?

    CTS is very much so "on the same plane" as B & M. CTS-V destroys it's competition.

    >>"Sigma has been a disappointment sales-wise..."<<

    What were the official projections ??

    >>"...and probably profits too."<<


    >>"It just didn't deliver like they thought it would."<<


    >>"The large sedan market is rapidly contracting so cars like the DTS are doomed."<<

    Pathetic-selling S-Series & 7-Class :wink: doomed, too, or will the S-Series :wink: just continue to be the fleet monster it is ??

    >>"Chevy-based Escalade has been the most successful Cadillac image-builder lately..."<

    It's not "Chevy-based" as this generation was developed con-currently. It's GM-platform based, but not other-division based.

    >>"...the second GM division's future is tied heavily to Chevrolet. Probably an easier and more cost-effective mission for Buick."<<

    Conjecture. If a bankruptcy goes thru, the crushing debt obligation should be at least greatly reduced, if not eliminated. Money saved from the expected 'good GM / bad GM' split should finally free up more than enough cash to develop a 2-division Corp more effectively than it's been for years... but admittedly that's conjecture on MY part; I don't have any numbers to base that statement on.

    Do you?

  12. Here's a contrarian thought nobody sees coming....maybe Cadillac should be ditched in favor of Buick???

    GM has failed miserably to get Cadillac anywhere on the same plane as BMW and Mercedes in terms of prestige. It's probably an impossible mountain to climb given the investment required and GM's financial situation. Buick, on the other hand, is also lower than it should be in terms of perception, but the difference between where it is now and where it could be as a "deluxe" brand isn't as large as where Cadillac is now and where it needs to get to for growth and parity with the Germans. Add to that, Sigma has been a disappointment sales-wise and probably profits too. It just didn't deliver like they thought it would. The large sedan market is rapidly contracting so cars like the DTS are doomed. Chevy-based Escalade has been the most successful Cadillac image-builder lately, but its glory days are past. Undoubtedly, whether it's Cadillac or Buick, the second GM division's future is tied heavily to Chevrolet. Probably an easier and more cost-effective mission for Buick.

    Chevrolet and Buick???

  13. Not yet. But don't be surprised when SAIC buys out GM's share of their China JV including Buick worldwide as a part of GM's Chapter 11 filing. It also wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese decided they weren't interested in GM's NA Buick network given the lack of growth potential here (in fact decades-long contraction!) versus expansion opportunities in China.

  14. Seriously, even if bankruptcy is relatively quick the new GM will be under pressure to cut what is unprofitable. So, is the Lansing Cadillac plant profitable now? How much less so will it be when the old SRX and STS go out to pasture? Is the CTS and its niche coupe and wagon variants enough to justify the plant? With GM= Epic Fail in the minds of buyers will anything but Chevrolet be left standing 2 years from now?

    Buick dropped.

    GMC dropped.

    Cadillac dropped.

    Chevrolet dropped.

    GM dropped.

    GM out of consideration for purchase in my household.

  15. Agreed. But this Opels-as-Buicks "plan" isn't going to happen anyway. Chances are GM is about to become a minority owner in Opel as Opel goes its own way http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6be22014-2cfd-11...144feabdc0.html .

    The Euro-Dollar fluctuations make importing cars from Europe expensive as seen with the Astra. Plus European cars have never been well-received here as mainstream vehicles anyway (too small, ride too firm, too expensive to maintain, not as reliable as Toyondas, etc. And, eventually, Buick will become a Chinese-only brand as it fails to gain traction as an upmarket brand in the US while its traditional customer base dies off. Sooner or later Cadillac will end up squeezing Buick out of the picture at the entry-lux price points.

    Last real Buick was built in 1996, and nothing Opel is going to build is going to put one in my driveway. Ironically, the only Buick that is Buick-worthy is sold only in China.

    Americans have voted twice with their wallets that that Opels suck, and I think this is going to go over as well as the Opel experiment of the '70s, except it will further water done the Buick nameplate so GM can kill it as well.

    Opels are GM's new way of killing NA brands.

    And what happens when GM jettisons GME? Do they get Buick in the deal? Or does Buick become a niche manufacturer?

  16. Another anonymous "people familiar with the plans said" story. So take it for what it is. If true, GM is pathetically uncured of its own stupidity. They've learned nothing about brand management and don't see that proliferating the same basic vehicle across more than 2 makes hurts all the brands. So now, we'll have a Chevy Equinox, Cadillac SRX, GMC Terrain and now Buick "Vue." Two of these vehicles would be sold at the same dealers! If 4 brands is so great maybe 10 would be better. What's the point? The answer can't be "extra sales" because 2-brand Toyota is kicking 8-brand GM's tail. The Toyota/Honda/Nissan 2-brand brand model has won. Why is GM so obtuse?


  17. Do you really think GMC is a step up from Chevy? Really? GMC is the same truck, in some cases, for less money. And there are no "basic entry" brands any longer. Only in GM's past. There are full-line mainstream brands and deluxe brands. Middle brands for "upper middle class" buyers is a mythological anachronism from GM's 1957 marketing plan. Cadillac is also a middle class brand.

    Which one is the "luxury" GMC? Quick, don't look at the badges:



    This is stupid, I only look at Chevy for the Corvette and the returning Camero. In regards to trucks, I only drive and buy GMC trucks, I like the looks and style inside and out way better than Chevy. Plus as others have stated here, Chevy is just your basic entry brand like Toyota and while I am in the upper middle income bracket, I prefer to drive an american brand that has a higher luxury level than plane Jane Chevy or Ford or Dodge.

    Pretty much my auto's speak for me.

    1991 GMC Suburban

    1999 GMC 1500

    2004 CTS

    2005 SRX

    2006 Escalade ESV Platinum

    2006 Hummer H2

    With Hummer up in the air and if they kill Profitable GMC, then that leaves me with Cadillac as my only Luxury choice and they will have to add other options of truck styles then as Chevy will not be able to sell or gain the mid level luxury that GMC has.

    Key is focus on the Chevy - BPG - Cadillac 3 step approach and maximize the name brands.

  18. GM's over-segmenting markets, I suspect, has less to do with solid marketing and more to do with keeping factories churning and not being able to let go of the past. Seriously, do GM's ideal customer descriptions make any sense???:

    Chevrolet Equinox: "blends function and style into a very sporty, yet upscale compact crossover"

    GMC Terrain: "an appealing choice for existing traditional SUV customers"

    So is GM saying that the Terrain has no function, style, is not compact, and is not sporty?

    I just don't get how the market is getting more fragmented because everyone is looking for a vehicle that suits them better, but getting rid of brands is supposed to help.
  19. If your numbers were accurate you might have a case. But they sound made-up. Maybe you're not aware that the Silverado actually starts at $25 more than does the Sierra?

    Lexus and Land Cruiser? I have no problem with GM making a Cadillac Tahoe: it's called the Escalade. Nor would I have a problem with a Cadillac Traverse: a restyled Buick Enclave.

    If you own a Chevy, and you have a choice to sell it for $20,000, or spend $100 to change it into a GMC which you can sell for $24,000, which choice would you take? Sales records mean nothing.

    I supposed Toyota should never have made a Lexus version of the Land Cruiser either?

    Chevy can't be everything to everyone, no matter how hard they try. There will always be people who want a less common vehicle, or people that avoid pedestrian brands, whether that brand is Toyota or Chevy. But they might buy a GMC, even at a higher price.

    The Denali brings in buyers with more money than Escalade buyers. Think about that for a minute.

  20. Seriously, it's not a bad idea given the "GM" name is in the toilet thanks to years of mismanagement and a clueless, arrogant BOD. That's what Ford is doing: one Ford, one blue oval around the world. GM could do the same thing by ditching high-cost Opel and concentrating on Chevy in Europe where it's gaining traction. Chevy is well-known everywhere else. One gold bowtie around the world.

    Good bye GM. Why not just rename the whole company Chevy? That's basically what's going on anyway.

    Toyota does it.

  21. What's dumb is not taking full advantage of the Chevrolet dealer network and the Chevrolet Silverado name to outsell the F-150. How much advertising could GM buy for the Silverado in exchange for GMC front and rear clip engineering, dealer support, publications and manuals, parts supply, etc? Might it be enough to outsell the F-150 and make the Silverado even more profitable than it already is? It's called polishing a brand.

    GMC = profitable. Getting rid of it is dumb.
  22. OK, more rumor, more newspaper chatter. BUT, if true this indicates that the President's Task Force is marketing savvy.

    Ask yourself, if you were starting a brand new auto company today, would you have a duplicate truck brand? Would you invest in a duplicate "performance" brand? Probably not. And we see that no one else around the world is rushing to duplicate the GM brand model either.

    The other one that needs to drop is Buick, as much as I love her. Toyota changed the branding model for the industry and now buyers expect entry-level luxury at the premium brand. LaCrosse and Enclave should be restyled and sold for slightly more as Cadillacs. The margins and total profit potential is greater and GM shores up Cadillac at the same time.


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