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About This Club

We are a club open to anyone who wants to discuss the glorious cars of European Origin. A European car is considered one built by a European company...so bring your South Carolina built BMW products and Mexican built Volkswagens!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. We opened Clubs back in 2018, but there was little interest in them. The Clubs software has evolved substantially since then, so we are now reopening them. You can view all available clubs, or create a new one of your own, at this link. https://www.cheersandgears.com/clubs/
  3. As I posted in the Random thread, I think Porsche will have the SOUL of EV auto's for the German / European brands. I expect Mercedes-benz to be the poster child for ev excess of so many models but soulless and BMW will be just below them along with VW. Audi might get a little soul from Porsche in their EV auto's.
  4. Thinking on this more, I believe VW could Trump Daimler and BMW in hybrids and EV's.
  5. I will start off this discussion by saying that I have very high expectations of what Daimler is doing for EV's, Hybrids and future ICE auto's. Since the company has committed the loudest to have an EV for each line of auto's and now they have announced Hybrids, I will be following their versions carefully. Sadly, I think MB has already stumbled in that they have announced Hybrids for their AMG line that sadly will let people down. The Word Hybrid or EV, people have distinct thoughts on what those auto's do and in regards to Hybrids, people are thinking high MPG. Yet the implementation is a page out of the failed playbook from Honda. Electric boost when wanted, no real electric only range and from what has been written so far, no real mpg benefit either. If MB is wanting to say, "See, EV/Hybrids are not wanted!" This is a good way to prove it as Honda failed on their boosted Hybrid auto as people did not see any real MPG gains while they did enjoy the boost in performance.
  6. ICE - Hybrid - EVs, Who is doing it right, wrong or what? I figure we have our own views of how American and Asian auto companies are doing it. European auto companies have jumped in with big plans for updated ICE, Hybrid and EV's coming out over the next 5-7 years. I would like to open the discussion on the differences and if you feel they are doing it right, wrong, or just what in regards to the rest of the world. Also, as we are seeing with Mercedes Benz announcement, they have Hybrids, but are they really Hybrids or just performance boosting models using electric motors? So start off with your thoughts on these European models and if any name plates are missing please state the company name and explain why you believe they are doing it right, wrong or just different. Sound off on the discussion of the European brands!

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