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I hate technology and it hates me

Camino LS6

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Just about 2 years ago I bought an HP Photosmart945 digital camera (about $500). It has been used lightly and always kept in its original styrofoam packaging. Well, a few weeks ago it just decided to stop working. So, I went through all of the troubleshooting procedures and ran the camera's own diagnostic tests all to no avail. I then went online and tried all of the HP suggestions there - no dice. Then, I go online with an HP tech in a live chat - we try everything without luck. Now, after investing about 3 hours of my day on this, the result is: 1) it's out of warranty 2) HP doesn't repair their cameras 3) my only options are an "upgrade" from HP of my choice of several models of their current cameras that are "refurbished" for a range of prices from just under $100 for a lesser model to nearly $300 for a higher end version with a few in between. I would have to "trade-in" my current camera to get this "deal".

So, I'm feeling like I got royally screwed on this deal. Is it unreasonable to expect more than 2 years of service from a fairly high -end digital camera? Somehow I don't think so. Right now I'm not feeling too comfortable with the idea of shelling out more cash for another HP - especially a "refurbished" one. They can't fix mine but they can sell me a refurbished one?

Something wrong here.

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It turns on and all controls/buttons work as they should. The image itself is the problem as it never resolves into a clear and complete image. It jumps around and flashes and generally looks like a website that won't load, or a bad TV image. It is not just the screen either, as it captures the unresolved image on the memory card as well. Seems like a software failure, but I guess that doesn't make sense.

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It turns on and all controls/buttons work as they should. The image itself is the problem as it never resolves into a clear and complete image. It jumps around and flashes and generally looks like a website that won't load, or a bad TV image. It is not just the screen either, as it captures the unresolved image on the memory card as well. Seems like a software failure, but I guess that doesn't make sense.

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My Canon is nearly 3 years old, was dropped last year in Rio and still works flawlessly. It is my 2nd Canon. I bought an Olympus 35mm about 15 years ago that gave me nothing but grief until I threw it off the balcony window from a hotel in Atlanta. Most technology is disposable these days. Ever try to get a printer fixed? Why bother when you can buy a new one for $99?

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HP is pretty skimpy on their initial warranties. What you can probably do is purchase one of their extended warranties (if available for the Photosmart 945), then call in the repair. I did the same thing with my IPAQ, which had the touch screen stop working a little less thana year after I bought it. The three year next day replacement extended warranty cost $99 for that unit, and I know the repair would have cost more than that.

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Holy $h!...

Well the only time Ive ever seen a file come out of a camera looking that jacked up is when its been accidentally dunked.

That's not a problem you fix I dont think. For your next camera, stick to Canon or Nikon. The Canon powershots especially are good little cameras.

Edited by CD/BP
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Holy $h!...

Well the only time Ive ever seen a file come out of a camera looking that jacked up is when its been accidentally dunked.

That's not a problem you fix I dont think. For your next camera, stick to Canon or Nikon. The Canon powershots especially are good little cameras.



I had a feeling you would say something like that. The camera has never been wet, or abused in any way(although that is starting to sound like a good idea).

I'm really stuck because the only choice I have to get some credit out of this thing is to take HP's offer on "refurbished" cameras. Otherwise, I'm out the $500 I spent on this one and whatever the new one costs. :angry:

These are my options on the refurbished HPs (trading mine in)

Photosmart 945 (same model) $179.99

M425 $96.99

M525 $111.99

Photosmart R927 $226.99

I haven't researched these yet, but I guess I'll have to take one of these options.


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Well, I dont think so. Seems to be hardware thing. The senors themselves might be going bad for whatever reason or the circuits between the sensor and the memory card.

If it was a software/firmware issue. The camera probably wouldn't even turn on, or youd get an error message. If the hardware starts to go a little bad, you get something like youre getting.

I wouldn't even know how youd go about doing that. A point and shoot camera like that might not even have user-upgradable firmware as an option. You could go back to HP and ask as a last effort there.

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I would really check out the Canon powershot line. I know a ton of professional photographers who use those cameras as their "happy snap" cameras.


I'll check them out. A new camera really isn't in my budget right now, so I guess I'll have to borrow one for immediate needs. I thought that I was buying a quality item with this one. It has a bazillion settings , and high specs for cameras when I bought it. I think I'll skip the video on the next one.

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HP is pretty skimpy on their initial warranties. What you can probably do is purchase one of their extended warranties (if available for the Photosmart 945), then call in the repair. I did the same thing with my IPAQ, which had the touch screen stop working a little less thana  year after I bought it. The three year next day replacement extended warranty cost $99 for that unit, and I know the repair would have cost more than that.


Here you go: 2yr extended service plan - next day exchange - $40

I'd call them up and ask what they'd do for you if you bought this warranty first. Before you start laughing, I asked that exact question after finding out my unit wasn't under warranty anymore, and the rep told me to call them back as soon as I got coverage for it. Just make sure you get someone familiar with the English language.

If this works out, get the camera replaced, then flip it on eBay and put the profits towards a Canon. My next camera will be a Canon with extraordinary zoom capabilities.

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Wow Z!

Do you think I can get away with that after spending all that time online with support telling them what's wrong with it?


You probably won't get the same guy you spoke to last time. My advice - buy the care pack, get it registered to your camera (usually done online, then do another tech suport call. When you call them, play dumb if you have to, but make sure you tell them you have a care pack.

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I read some of the fine print, and it looks like you have to buy the extended warranty within a year of purchase. Seems I'm out of luck on that one. Support already has my serial# anyway.

I think they should buy me this:


After ripping me off so badly.

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Nah. Make em get you one of these:


One of these:


And of course one of these:


...what? It's only worth $11,154.85 all together?

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Nah. Make em get you one of these:


One of these:


And of course one of these:



If I could pull-off a negotiation like that I'd try to impose world peace as my next trick. :lol:

'sides you don't want the competition do you?

I have been considering a career change. :scratchchin:

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my Hp R717 has been good to me tho. or take up the refurbished offer and put your camera in the box and say its messed up out of the box. they fix it you have 2 cameras then off 1. Done it to many times with motherboards just make sure if there is a serial number on the box and camera switch them up so they match.

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I think I want them to send me a refurb of the camera I have now. I really don't want to pay another $179.99 for it though and I want to know what sort of warranty it will have on it. At least all of the software already on my computer will still be useful if I go this route. Also, I won't have to learn a new camera's operation.

Edit: I wish I could just get mine fixed. :banghead:

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Those don't look like very good deals. Check bestbuy.com... a Canon 5MP 4x optical zoom Powershot is $142. A 6MP version is $190. Your camera is 5.3MP and 8x optical zoom... if you want the zoom that bad then there is an Olympus on bestbuy.com for $270 with 7.1MP and 10x opitcal zoom. We have an older version of this and it's been great. I didn't see any reasonably-priced Nikons or Canon's with 8x or more zoom.

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Those don't look like very good deals. Check bestbuy.com... a Canon 5MP 4x optical zoom Powershot is $142. A 6MP version is $190. Your camera is 5.3MP and 8x optical zoom... if you want the zoom that bad then there is an Olympus on bestbuy.com for $270 with 7.1MP and 10x opitcal zoom. We have an older version of this and it's been great. I didn't see any reasonably-priced Nikons or Canon's with 8x or more zoom.


I'd really miss the zoom. It's actually 56x total zoom (8x optical,7x digital).

Not sure what I'm going to do with all this.

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I did a little research and it seems I'm not the only one having trouble with this camera and HP in general. Apparently, they gave up trying to fix these a while ago and don't even make parts for it. And the "refurb" song and dance has become well known. I may try griping at the store I bought it from.

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Wow! spend a few hours doing research and you'll get a WAY negative view of HP.

Huge lawsuits, inumerable customer complaints spread across a huge range of HP products including medical equiptment/devices !

This quote is typical of the complaints about the camera I have:

When camera was less than one year old image became unacceptable. Camera replaced on warranty. Replacement ceased functioning in about four months with striped looking pictures. Online Ssupport staff suggested replacing it by purchasing a camera with inferior features for a price more than I could find for thee same camera Online. Now all I have is a nonfunctioning camera for which I paid $500.

Looks like HP is the very worst example of Corporate America, and I'm officially screwed.

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HP went through a time of serious Expansion in little amount of time.

Results: Sending all manufactoring to China/Japan

Reduced Quality

Having so much profits that Lawsuits don't matter.

There company in more focused on Computers and Printers. They just fill the market with cheap cameras scanners and stuff like that.

Its just they didn't handle there inflation correctly. My HP computer's out lasted any of my friends and family's Dell's, Sony's, Gateway's, AST's, E machines, IBM's, and Apples. The Reason is that They use Samsung OEM parts which are very good and known for quality.

I was going to get a Nikkon but then I got a amazing deal on that R717 59.99 out the door. The only problem i have is bad battery life.

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