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Yep...happened again...same car too.

So we've had the Prizm back for about 2 weeks now, I've been meaning to post about it but haven't got any good pics to show yet so I haven't done so. Anyway, I was working yesterday, coming back from my first delivery, I pulled onto the street beside work and parked on the side. There was a red Silverado in front of me and some other car in front of him. I backed up a bit to give him some extra room to pull out, so he had 5 feet or so plus the space between him and the other car. I lock up and start to walk to the shop. I notice he backing up and for some reason I felt compelled to watch...only to find the f@#king retard backing into my front bumper!!! He's about to pull away when I yell at him that he just hit my car. He stoped and gets out and we inspect the damage.

I'm pissed but do my best to remain civil. He claimed his didn't see me but..uh...that's what f@#king mirrors are for. Plus he didn't need to back that far up in the first place. Then he says "Oh well, you're illegally parked/ (NO parking on that side between 8am and 5 pm, it's like 4:50pm and there was no place to park) I point out that he is too and he shuts up about that. I look at the front bumper and to my relief I guess, there only a small chip in the paint on the bumper...no dent. His trailer hitch hit it but it had some stupid plastic end cap that is what scratched the bumper and broke the bottom of it.

It's not worth dealing with the insurance company, right after getting the last accident settled, so I let him go. What had me so pissed is that 1.) It happened at all. 2.) It happened, like the last accident, because of the other driver's like of the ability to use is damn brain. 3.) He tried briefly to blame me.

I'm rip $h! pissed so when I get in the car and screech the tires and move it to a now open spot in front of work, which I don't think is really any safer but whatever. I slam the door and throw the bag down, and my boss asks me why I'm mad and I tell him. Then he has the nerve to tell me I shouldn't be mad. I'm like, f@#k you, I'll be made if I feel like it. I don't say this but I do say that's I am f@#king pissed because I just got the last accident settled and we haven't had the car back for a full 2 weeks yet! :censored:

Oh, I was quite angry for the rest of the night let me tell you. Moral of the Story: people are f@#king stupid and I hope several red Silverados in the area spontaneously combust, killing all inside, and take 20 or so Civics with them.


Edited by Dodgefan
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Are talking a scratch like this...

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...because that's been like that for months now. You learn to live with it until you get the time/money/materials to fix it.

I would've probably made an attempt to scratch his tailgate in a similar fashion to even it out. But yeah...

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Welcome to mASSachusetts.

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