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Delta Zeta @ Depauw


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I'm sure most of y'all have heard about the big NYT story...but what you may not know is that one of my good friends from HS was one of the 23, and she just finished giving an interview with People today, which will be for sale this Thursday. I'd give more of what I know of the situation now, but I have an Urban & Regional Economics midterm tomorrow that I have to get back to studying for...boooo

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Mr. Croc, no offense, but perhaps some other folks aren't into going Greek quite as much as you are. :AH-HA_wink:

Anyhoo, I saw this at my homepage. So it's hot chicks against ugly chicks? Let 'em fight. Better yet, let 'em oatmeal wrestle.

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It's a little over-the-top. I know the Midwest and the South are particularly keen on the Greek System and it's almost humorous that my grad alma mater (U of Ill.) has or had the largest Greek System in the nation...some 55 fraternities and 27 sororities. It's part of the reason I didn't like being there...too much noise. I like things real quiet and was carrying 17 or 18 graduate credits per semester.

There's no denying that the Greek System is elitist. It's based on externalities for the reasons they describe...popularity with Greek houses of the opposite sex and then, after school, for the connections value. I do see a value in the latter, but the former can be rough on some people, as the article describes.

Incidentally, 2 very prominent schools (Notre Dame and Rice) do not want the Greek system on their campuses for the segmentation it seems to create. I know that my friendships with kids I had gone to parochial grammar school/high school with and then went onto undergrad with waned significantly once they joined the Greek system.

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Or no one gave a $h!. :)

Well, considering as I mentioned in my first post that I've been good friends with one of the 23 since HS, I figured I'd share a national story involving one of my friends, especially since it involved a blatant case of discrimination. Other people share things on this site.

So some kids acted judgmentally & superficially towards others in a non-PC manner? How crushingly newsworthy.

No, it wasn't the kids doing it--it was the middle-aged women who run the organization out of Ohio. That's what's so noteworthy of this story: the girls were in the sorority, and their supposedly "adult" national organization went in and kicked out the ones they felt weren't attractive enough.
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Women are mean to each other, we all know this. I'm left wondering how the older gals have held up in the looks department themselves. (God, that sounded incredibly sexist.)

Maybe those girls who were ostracized can get together, start their own sorority and eclipse the barbie girls by actually being serious and getting things done so they can go out into society with a foundation not based on physical appearance.

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Iowa State is pretty much the same way....Tri Delta, our Delta Zeta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta Phi are known as the ones with the hot sorority chicks while AOII and Kappa Alpha Theta are known as the nerdy sororities. The girls I know in the "hot" sororities are exceptions to the stereotypes, but generally most of them are pretty absent minded, ditzy, and the ones that will find a rich husband and live off his income. You have the same things with frats too...the popular kids vs. the biology and engineering majors. The Greek system has been in decline for a number of years at ISU....they're having a hard time recruiting new members and many jokes are made about them by the general student population. I never had any desire to go Greek, but I know some take it seriously and it's too bad looks play such a huge role in recruitment at certain ones. I don't see this ever changing...the same thing happens in the real world as well.

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Appearance plays a lot in it, but I really think confidence is the bigger determinant. Fraternity rush and Sorority rush are soooooo different though that I can only speak for the guys, but really, self-confidence has way more to do with recruitment potential than actual appearance.

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