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I've noticed (again) what seems to be an influx of new members to Cheers and Gears and whether you've been lurking for a long time or just found us today, I'd like to wish you a warm, happy...


Hope you enjoy the place and stick around! ;)


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Thanks for the great welcome flybrian.

I've only been online for about a month now.

For less than $3300, lots of ebay hunting and several months of soldering and intricate breadboard construction, I just put together an awesome system -

8086 DOUBLE overclocked to 8 mhz.

14400 TURBO modem.

IBM PC Jr. keyboard and 256 color 12 inch monitor.

The monitor is a BIG upgrade from my old 7" Compaq green screen.

MS-DOS 6.0 with Quarterdeck Memory manager.

1MB of prime Kingston memory.

I'm also learning the latest in computer technology - If you have any questions about Pine, Lynx, Gopher or ftp, just let me know.

I'm working on my consulting gigs, writing batch files with edlin. Fingers crossed for success.

The half an hour I wait every morning just to see your website makes life worthwhile.

Keep up the good work.

GM rules.

Imports suck.

Your site rocks.

Yep. That's about it.

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Thanks for the great welcome flybrian.

I've only been online for about a month now.

For less than $3300, lots of ebay hunting and several months of soldering and intricate breadboard construction, I just put together an awesome system -

8086 DOUBLE overclocked to 8 mhz.

14400 TURBO modem.

IBM PC Jr. keyboard and 256 color 12 inch monitor.

The monitor is a BIG upgrade from my old 7" Compaq green screen.

MS-DOS 6.0 with Quarterdeck Memory manager.

1MB of prime Kingston memory.

I'm also learning the latest in computer technology - If you have any questions about Pine, Lynx, Gopher or ftp, just let me know.

I'm working on my consulting gigs, writing batch files with edlin. Fingers crossed for success.

The half an hour I wait every morning just to see your website makes life worthwhile.

Keep up the good work.

GM rules.

Imports suck.

Your site rocks.

Yep. That's about it.

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Welcome, and I hope you enjoy it here. Unlike the Mustang forums that seem to be over-run with people who are dumber than my cat, there are some really intelligent people here.

Now let's get back to all the good BS about GM.


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Welcome, and I hope you enjoy it here. Unlike the Mustang forums that seem to be over-run with people who are dumber than my cat, there are some really intelligent people here.

Now let's get back to all the good BS about GM.


As a fellow migrant from a Mustang forum, I agree wholeheartedly with this statement.

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