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Philip Seymour Hoffman or Wakeem phoenix

Amy Adams (i remember her when she was an actress at the diner theater my wife worked at so this is a homer pic, she was incredibly talented)

Matt Dillon or William Hurt

Felicity Huffman


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If Brokeback Mountain doesn't win beaucoup Oscars tonight it will be highway robbery. Although I haven't seen any of the other nominees, so what do I know?

Edited by ocnblu
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My prediction: John Stewart is going to rock the house.

Wow, such a bold prediction. You should start working in Vegas. :rolleyes::P

The only film I've seen that's nominated for best picture is Crash, so I can't say about that one. Here's hoping Wallace and Gromet snags the top animated film award, though. :cheers:

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will George Clooney be drunk again? At the golden globes he was tanked and sizing up Mary hart on the red carpet like he was gonna drop her right there. And I'd bet she'd oblige in a heartbeat.


wonder if we'll have any Oscar wardrobe malfunctions........

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will George Clooney be drunk again?  At the golden globes he was tanked and sizing up Mary hart on the red carpet like he was gonna drop her right there. 

Too bad he's not a very good actor. I think George Clooney plays George Clooney...over and over and over. He's not a Kevin Kline or a Meryl Streep or Glenn Close who have credibility in the breadth of roles they take on. I hope he DOES NOT win.
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I predict tha I'm not going to care, and that I'm not gong to waste my time watching.

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will George Clooney be drunk again?  At the golden globes he was tanked and sizing up Mary hart on the red carpet like he was gonna drop her right there.  And I'd bet she'd oblige in a heartbeat.


wonder if we'll have any Oscar wardrobe malfunctions........

EVERYONE is drunk at the Golden Globes. It's an open bar.

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Tonight is a big, big night for millions of people looking for some sort of validation.

See, that's silly to look at an awards show for validation. Why should Hollywood be the source of validation to people? People need to find some self-esteem and be happy with who they are and confident instead of always looking for outside sources of validation...the world would be better off abd people would ultimately be happier.
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See, that's silly to look at an awards show for validation.  Why should Hollywood be the source of validation to people?  People need to find some self-esteem and be happy with who they are and confident instead of always looking for outside sources of validation...the world would be better off abd people would ultimately be happier.

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No, you misunderstand. This is not about just tonight, and the awards, this is about a movie phenomenon that transcended all classes of people and found a much bigger audience than the far right wing nutjobs thought possible. This is about a group of people, starting with Annie Proulx, who chose not to give us something veiled, but something raw and real and heartfelt, it is an exquisitely made film that has meaning for anyone who sees it, not just those who are "supposed" to like it.
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And others. Of course I've read the synopses of the other nominees like everyone else who hasn't seen them all, and they sound like excellent films. I'd like to see Crash, for instance. Edited by ocnblu
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No, I think you're reading WAY too much into it. By your logic, the validation should have come with the LAST awards show. Seriously...I wouldn't call Brokeback a phenomenon simply because it hasn't achieved mega Box Office success. I don't think it's any more of a phenomenon than Boys Don't Cry or any of those other movies were. Symbolic? Sure. But I wouldn't overhype it.

Seriously...if you need a particular movie at a Hollywood awards show to win all the awards it was nominated for personal validation, I think you might want to talk to a therapist. I'm not saying that to be mean, but because I think it could really help you.

Edited by Croc
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Hahaha, Croc, you don't know me, son. Yes, of course it's just a movie, but good movies change things a little bit, and this one does. Haven't you seen "Brokeback to the Future"? Edited by ocnblu
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I never claimed to know you, though you ARE the one talking about getting validated through Hollywood. Sorry, but the good person you know yourself to be and the good things you do on a daily basis should be validating enough...

Frankly, I think Will & Grace broke more ground than Brokeback. Oh, and W&G was 7 years ago.

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Brokeback was very good...I generally don't like cowboy movies or Westerns, but viewed it as a sad, moving very human drama... I haven't seen Capote (definitely want to, though). .. I liked Good Night and Good Luck, and Munich, but Crash was probably my favorite overall of these.

As far as movies not nominated, I liked Syriana, Walk the Line, The Constant Gardener, A History Violence, and Hustle & Flow quite a bit also...

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What a truly laughable comparison. Will & Grace? Can you say "no depth"? What should I think of a television show that can't let its main character be human enough to have a relationship? It was sanitized to be "palatable".

Moltar, yes, I'd like to see Walk The Line and Crash.

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Will & Grace was a series, on every week, over 7 years. It made a huge impact because it was recurring and not just in select theatres for a month or two.

Yes, ocn...the gay community was just up in arms about how sanitized Will and Grace was. They boycotted that show because they portrayed Will and Jack kissing on "Live TV" as well as having two gay characters who were not just there to be the brunt of homophobic jokes. :rolleyes: Puhlease. We both know that was NOT the reaction that occurred.

Honestly? I think W&G did more for the gay community because it was just an everyday sitcom where the characters happened to be gay and there was nothing wrong with it. With BBM, once again it's just a BIG DEAL that they are gay. Its main selling point is that the characters are gay. The story even has some problems with it...but remember the characters are gay and the scenery is great so it must win all of its awards. :rolleyes:

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Will & Grace was made for girls who have gay acquaintances, it wasn't made to show any kind of approximation of real life. Nothing but fluff, really now Croc.

OK now, I think I'm going to stop because we're falling into our "old married couple" bickering once again and the rest of C&G doesn't want to see that.

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Sitcoms are fluff by their very nature. If it were made for girls with gay acquaintances, then it was made for 80+% of women. Unfortunately for your argument, every gay male I know LOVES that show. Granted, that's anecdotal, but it isn't quite the disdain you are showing.

Fine, I'll let it drop if you're going to. But "old married couple"? That's just wishful thinking on your part. :AH-HA_wink:

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Perhaps to some degree, Will & Grace brought a bit of "gay" to the american living room. However, I hate the reinforcement of gay stereotypes presented, and the idea of making fun of being gay. I found the show repellent.

I idea here is that Brokeback Mountain, although far from perfect, gave viewers a glimpse of the real emotions and conficts that gay people live with even today.

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I idea here is that Brokeback Mountain, although far from perfect, gave viewers a glimpse of the real emotions and conficts that gay people live with even today.

See, I think all humans experience the same emotions, the causes are just different. No are any easier to deal with because what is devastating for one is no big deal for another.
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Selma Hayek was ravishing tonight...and Clooney's acceptance speech was awesome.

I love this town...

Yes... I couldn't take my eyes off of her.. :)

Charlize Theron and Jessica Alba look pretty hot tonight also..

Edited by moltar
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See, that's silly to look at an awards show for validation.  Why should Hollywood be the source of validation to people?  People need to find some self-esteem and be happy with who they are and confident instead of always looking for outside sources of validation...the world would be better off abd people would ultimately be happier.

Good call, Croc. I agree on that score. It comes from within.
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EVERYONE is drunk at the Golden Globes. It's an open bar.

damn, i need to get an invite for that then.....

"Excuse me, you're.....JEN, right? AH, love your work, hey, NO FLAIR ON TONIGHT?...was it cold a lot on the friends set? You know, Brad is kind of a dork and isn't any good looking anyways...."

Edited by regfootball
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What a truly laughable comparison.  Will & Grace?  Can you say "no depth"?  What should I think of a television show that can't let its main character be human enough to have a relationship?  It was sanitized to be "palatable".

Moltar, yes, I'd like to see Walk The Line and Crash.

nah, they didn't let him have a realtionship because that would have turned Grace into a great big mess.

as it turns out, 'Grace' had a baby instead and became a big puffy mess.......

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Yes... I couldn't take my eyes off of her.. :)

Charlize Theron and Jessica Alba look pretty hot tonight also..



(not only is that me growling positively over ms. hilary, its also the sound of her chain saw veneered teeth grindg through firewood like a chainsaw.....)


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Wow, those were the worst oscars ever.

I have a friend who lives in LA and reviews movies for a living.  He said that it was a down year all around for Hollywood, and it's got a lot of people worried.

they ought to be, they pump out so much CRAP these days.......

once they start making watchable movies, then we'll ante up for them again

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Wow, those were the worst oscars ever.

I have a friend who lives in LA and reviews movies for a living.  He said that it was a down year all around for Hollywood, and it's got a lot of people worried.


A very good friend of mine Mel also says the same.

They are really worried around H-Wood.......there's nothing good coming out 'nor on the horizon.

I really thought Walk The Line would pull something out.

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A very good friend of mine Mel also says the same.

They are really worried around H-Wood.......there's nothing good coming out 'nor on the horizon.

I really thought Walk The Line would pull something out.

Just think how hard it would be that creative to keep generating new material. Take a look at architects (no, you don't want to)...there tends to be a common theme to all of their buildings...yep, I know who did that one.

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First of all, "Brokeback Mountain" was robbed. "Crash"? Make me puke!!!!!

The only thing I can figure out is that "Brokeback Mountain" was a little movie with a little cast. "Crash" had so many people involved in it who had friends of friends of friends that voted for it, otherwise it would have never won.

Oh well, life goes on. For me, it will always be the movie of the year and most likely, the movie of my life.

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