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This Is A Funny Ass MySpace

Guest YellowJacket894

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Dude! WTF? I read that and I still cant stop laughing! Jesus Christ, that grammar is an insultment to Kentuckians anywhere. Where did you find that, YJ?

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I'm picky on grammar and spelling- it's compulsive but I cant help it. And i'm critical as all hell so... yeah.

That dude is ugly though. Like scary ugly....

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The scariest thing about this is that he has kids as his friends. I wonder if they are in the same school that he works? His school district should seriously look into his relationship with those "friends" he talks to from myspace. If they are students he will be fired. Hell, this dude could be a child molestor, and from the looks of him he's too stupid to realize what he's doing.

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Guest YellowJacket894

I don't think you can alter someone's photo in Photoshop to look like that.

. . . Unless, well, someone wants to use one of BV's or NOS's photos and try to.


Edited by YellowJacket894
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