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Everything posted by oldshurst442

  1. Yeah but.... We Greeks PHILOSOPHIZE EVERYTHING.... mostly the change... mostly the change... As soon as we seen fit that maybe we should change and adapt....we cease to be....um...conservative... We have delved into the world of...liberal... And...quite honestly...we HUMANS ALWAYS SEEM TO CHANGE AND ADAPT SOMEHOW...whether religiously or politically... Im keeping this discussion only between us...we are both Greek. We tend to jab each other's Greekness and I like for us to keep that going...Im having fun with you when we do it. Im not insulted by it and I hope you are not insulted by it either. I actually do like you Wings...you are Greek after all. We have to stay together.... From a Greek point of view... From this: We went to this: Like a total 180 degree turn. Gone were Gods of Lust and Orgies and Gods of War to peace and love and not covet thy neighbors wife.... And we changed overnight as it seems... The Romans had a harder time letting go of our 12 Gods than we did to become Christians. They even fed us to the lions several centuries after Jesus was Crucified... The Greek Orthodox Church has accepted divorce. King Henri VIII had to invent his own religion for that. Yet the Greek Orthodox Church is marching along quite nicely adapting...even after the Ottoman Empire nearly destroyed us.... In fact, 'twas the Greek Orthodox Church that saved us....minus a few Greek Orthodox religious traitors, they were educated enough to keep our language and culture alive...you could argue conservative for the last part.... But... When we have philosophized all the negatives and all the positives of EVERY single type of ruler-ship be it democracy or totalitarianism or royalty and we have concluded that each has its benefits and downfalls and depending on what situation we are in...that my friend is LIBERAL thinking.....to adapt to our environment.... Socrates, Plato and Aristotle...and others all have concluded this thousands of years ago.... So...I repeat...Greeks were never, are not, nor will they ever be conservative...it aint in our DNA.
  2. Usually I get a good feel from you prior to your announcement. This time around, I have no clue how your thought process has been because we havent communicated enough. I have no idea where to begin. CUV? SUV? sports car? luxury car? FWD? RWD? Porsche Boxter? You mentioned in a Dream Garage thread that you wouldnt mind owning a base Porsche Boxter... Boxters are driver's cars and you are a "driver" kinda guy...you tend to look past dumb ass stereotypes and see a car for what it really is.... I go with Porsche Boxter. But winter time is almost upon us....is a Boxter really in your mindset right about now? For all I know, it could be a Jeep SRT of some sort... Ill keep the Boxter as my 1st guess and we will go from there.
  3. We kept our family values, from the Ancient times. We've ALWAYS respected and trusted our divinities. Whether the 12 Gods of Olympus or The Holy Trinity. So that much is conservative... Its EVERYTHING else... We WERE NEVER AFRAID TO CHANGE AND INNOVATE. In fact, WE CHANGED AND INNOVATED THE WHOLE WESTERN SOCIETY AT ONE POINT IN TIME... AND WE DID THAT BY SHOWING AND SHARING OUR CULTURE TO OTHERS....MORE TO IT THAN THAT...WE EVEN TOOK OTHER CULTURES AND ADAPTED IT TO OUR OWN!!! We have VERY LIBERAL ideas of how to govern....We identified and philosophized many aspects of life including love and sex... Hell, we have written many many books on that several thousand years ago... And so much more philosophical stuff!!! Nah! We aint a conservative people! WE EMBRACE CHANGE... THAT IS WHY THERE ARE MORE GREEKS LIVING OUTSIDE OF GREECE IN OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE WE HAVE ADAPTED QUITE NICELY!!!
  4. He is too conservative to laugh. Hell, he is sooooooo conservative and tight assed about holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion that he is reluctant to even grin... Yes Wings....I know what it means.... As per YOUR definition: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion. See where it says RELIGION... I apologized for displaying such vulgar display of sexuality...you know....sex only for conservative procreation and not for fun.... And you know what is funny? GREEKS IN THEIR DNA WERE, ARE AND WILL NEVER BE CONSERVATIVE..unless of course these Greeks want to suppress and forget what we really are...and pretend to be something that we are not... The Greek Orthodox Church....may be the ONLY place that we are conservative in.... Yet....we know what the sins are, but we also know what our history was all about and we wink wink, nudge nudge our way to Paradise when we die because we also know deep down inside that we have a zest for life....KEFI...
  5. A joke in clown shoes.... I HAPPEN TO LOOOOOOOVE CLOWN SHOES. Very stylish and versatile. I resent a comment like that! When I go out to eat a couple of burgers Chez Mickey Dee's when I go out dancin' with the wife When I play basketball with my homeys When Im chillin and relaxin' My combat boots back in 'Nam
  6. My world's magnetic poles have been reversed. Back in the day, some of my friends were ricer guys and these guys loooooved a Honda Civic while I hated them and the car for it... I still talk to some of these guys from time to time and in 2016, they hate today's model while I LOOOOOVE it!!! They grew up and I did not? I wouldnt buy one, but I like it. Honda always marched to a beat of a different drum and it seems they have re-discovered that tune. Its refreshing. Now, if only Acura could do the same.
  7. Yes leader.. Yes very selfless of him especially in today's era of athletes in any sport. I think this strengthens and bonds the team so much more going forward. I know in hockey, a similar situation would make the team rally itself to win it for their captain. I think this will have the same effect for the Dallas Cowboys. Im in tears practically.
  8. @ccap41 Tony Romo... I had many up and down feelings about him over his tenure as QB of the Dallas Cowboys. I love the Cowboys as you know, and Im extremely thrilled with Prescott. And I was ready to joke to you about Romo in that I wanted to make it sound like I have no idea who this Romo dude is.. This press conference though gave me chills. Troy Aikman might be my all time fave QB, and then Joe Montana and Dan Marino...(Ie was lucky to see these men throw the football in their prime) This press conference has propelled Tony Romo to the #2 slot for me. I have a new found respect for him. It aint easy letting somebody else take over YOUR driver's seat in what is probably the most prestigious position in all of pro sports: THE Dallas Cowboys quarterback position. What are your thoughts?
  9. Sorry Wings. That was not for your eyes. You being conservative and all...you almost saw a boobie and panties....I apologize. That was for us, the liberal folk.
  10. C-HR Coupe – High Rider 2 things Id like to say about that: 1. Im fed up with alphanumerics. High Rider sounds a lot better and is more interesting to me than C-HR....and its too similar to Honda's alphanumeric CUV the CR-V....like WTF???!!! 2. Im fed up with motherphoquking fake high riding high riders....when do we start going back to low riders for Christ's sake???!!!
  11. A pussy cat crawling up into your lap? You mean like this? I know right? Id be done too, in about a minute or two! (I forwent a raunchier pic just in case is it be a tad too hot for the website)
  12. Points #2, #3, and #4. I agree 100% Point #1. The bolded point. That is assuming Tesla will fold. I really don't think Tesla will fold. There are several reasons why I don't think Tesla will fold. But then again, those reasons are just as much speculation as some think Tesla will fold... 1. Tesla is near completion of battery super factory. Battery cost will come down enabling Tesla not only to produce current models cheaper and actually yield better profit margins, but help with future engineering endeavors and platforms... 2. Batteries will be sold to other car makers making Tesla more money... 3. Some say Musk is already getting bored with car production, it don't matter, another CEO could take over...and a better one tjhan Musk himself at that... It really is a wait and see kinda scenario at this point...
  13. Im a Metaxa 7 star Brandy kinda guy myself. There are 12 star Metaxas and special reserves too. But hey...who are we kidding? That kinda nomenclature is just noise to make someone feel special... But you are right about cruisin' in a real Cadillac though. And I hope to God that a CT6 is a real Cadillac.
  14. You mentioned 0-60 times....but failed to mention 315 mile range... Dude...that kind of range, you will NEVER be stranded looking for a charge station... Living in Montreal, that range takes me to Boston...on the outskirts of...without stopping.. I went to Niagara Falls this summer with the family. With my TL. A heck of a shorter trip. I stopped 3 times going there and 3 times coming back...you know....for snacks and bathroom breaks...I surely found charging stations that I could have plugged my EV into...15 minutes there, half an hour here.... Next! About luxury... EXACTLY.... The Impala LTZ is good enough for me too! Honestly, I dont feel too good about dumping 100 thousand units of American or Canadian legal tenders on a depreciating asset...Id rather do so much more with said legal tenders... However, if getting off of oil COMPLETELY is my meal ticket, then I could forgo a little bit of the so called fine leathers of a Cadillac and drive something more modern in terms of powertrain. State of the Art stuff is also part of the luxury equation and a Tesla motor is as State of the Art as it gets... Besides, I got other material stuff in life that wraps me up in soft and cuddly expensive materials... Luxury is how you wanna perceive it and indulge in it...hence its a state of mind... Nice chatting with you none the less...
  15. I love America. I love Cadillac. But in this territory of EV performance of speed and range solely on electric power at this price level, Id rather just skip the Standard of the Old World and go with the New Standard of this Modern World and go with the other American car maker named not by the founder of Detroit, but by the name of an inventor that discovered the rotating magnetic field which is the basis for the modern alternating current electricity supply system. TESLA is that car company name and the vehicle in question is the Model S. P60, P100. It dont matter....it trounces the CT6.... Not in luxury you say? I say luxury is a state of mind...in 2016, luxury is not what it used to be either....is what Id tell you...
  16. Im doing this one in song. 1. 1973 or 1974 or 1977 or 1979 Trans Am 2. any 1950s finned Cadillac...preferably in baby blue or pink. 3.Any rocket V8 powered Oldsmobile. Preferably a 442 of some sorts. 4. '32 or '33 Ford coupe or roadster Hot Rod. 5. 1967 Pontiac GTO
  17. Douglas...just Douglas...a second brain fart... As for the 747... And finally...what Canadair aircraft have you been on? Im curious to know.
  18. @Frisky Dingo I have noticed that while in the automotive world we are worlds apart sometimes, in the military world, we have very similar likes. I mean very similar. PS im trying to upvote your post on top but it wont let me.
  19. Yeah...McDonnel Douglas... I made an oopsie mistake. Happens on occasion. I have deep respect for Airbus and their aircraft. I would have mentioned the A380, but that 747...she is my mistress... And seein that my dad worked at Canadair for 40 years of his life, Canadair aircraft are the reason why I am an airplane buff....no room left for Airbus on any list.
  20. On the flip side Mr. @dfelt , I dont watch ANY television programming other than sports. Correction, I watch kid TV shows that my children watch. Pre-teen stuff on YTV or Nickoledeon...or the odd Discovery channel or History channel documentary and Kount's Customs and stuff like that. THAT is the ONLY reason why I keep sat TV. Canada has high internet rates so I might as just as well keep my sat TV with my DVR.
  21. @dfelt @ccap41 I have a DVR. Ive had one for the longest time now and MOST of the games I watch whether its NHL hockey or NFL football, I record them and watch them at my leisure. So what that means is that I have for the longest time just FF over the commercials. I havent realized that in today's NFL there are too many commercials. Yeah, too many commercials would sour me also that I would bypass watching a full game live. Come to think of it, one reason why I record the games and watch them at my leisure is to condense the viewing time of 21/2 - 3 hours to about half that time.... As I dont hang around sports bros anymore, I dont get surprise unwanted sports scores so when I do watch the games, its like Im watching them live... When I fear an employee or two of mine would know the scores or my partner, I warn them not to tell me.
  22. I NEVER said ANYTHING about ANY ILLEGAL immigration...ILLEGAL immigration aint legal, so it aint immigration... 1. ILLEGAL immigration HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAVING OPEN BORDERS!!! 2. EVEN WITH OPEN BORDERS, immigrants STILL HAVE to go through the legal red tape to become citizens.... 3. Open borders simply means: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" which pretty much includes everyone that wants a better life for himself/herself and wants to make America or Canada home... Please dont let your fears confuse the two scenarios.... I guess ANYBODY that confuses what open borders means, they fell for the fear mongering hook, line and sinker... All those Syrians that Canada took in with our open borders, well, they came to our country the LEGAL way.... Those Mexicans that sneak in....well, THAT is NOT what OPEN BORDERS means, open borders means those Mexicans need not sneak in ILLEGALLY IF the IMMIGRATION PROCESS WAS EASIER AND OPEN for them to do so LEGALLY...
  23. So..... About Canada... We have the English, and we have the French.... CENTURIES of hating each other, wars fought against each other in EVERY SINGLE CONTINENT INCLUDING this one....ESPECIALLY THIS ONE DEFINING OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PROBLEMS.... So....what are you suggesting? Forget about all that muslim-phobia crap....we still have issues in our country regarding just the white race...French and English... Yet... In the Old Countries, they managed to put that shyte aside.... New forms of racism and ethnic bigotry has arose, in both countries, and in our very own country, we still havent made up and we have joined the muslim hatred I see...at least France and England get along unlike the problems we have in our country....well, with the likes of your type, we will NEVER see peace at the end of the tunnel.... Oh...If you are against open borders, you are against me... I am of Greek decent. My grand-dad and grand-ma came to this country from Greece in the late 1890s...my dad, as a GREEK CANADIAN born and raised in Canada fought during WW2 as a CANADIAN SOLDIER fighting a tyrant in Germany... Before you become cheeky and tell me Greeks are not like Muslims....let me remind you of something: "With the stroke of a pen one Sunday afternoon in Cairo" One must ask himself, are we Westerners without sin to hypocritically judge all others wanting to come to our shores for a better life? In other words, maybe us Westerners and our crappy foreign policies may have created some of that turmoil.... Canada and the USA are GREAT countries because our borders WERE ALWAYS OPEN and DIVERSITY IS WHAT MAKES US GREAT AND WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE US GREAT...AND STRONGER!!! There are no limits to diversity... Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" (Immigrants) Some of these people were the likes of Al Capone...but some were parents of Rudolf Giuliani and Joe DiMaggio... If you cant see that, I feel sorry for you.......
  24. OK. Mr. Horse, What is it like driving an Acura TL? A 2012 Acura TL SH-AWD... OK...when the car was new, some people, friends and strangers looked at me in awe. Like I was driving a car of importance. In Quebec, Acura still has the aura of luxury about the brand. 1 short year later and I got the wife a 2013 Ford Fusion, whenever I drove the Fusion, I realized that people were in awe more with the Fusion than they were with the TL and that trend continues today. What does it mean for me? Nothing. I get a kick driving both cars and I dont mind being seen in either of them. I see the differences that make Acura an Acura product though. A few say that the TL and the TLX are the only bright spots for Acura. OK....fair enough. But it took Lincoln long enough to turn the bloody corner. And they are still not there. Let us give Acura a shot at improving whatever the naysayers are trying to naysay about them. Like I said, Acura went sour ONLY at about 2005 or so....that is ONLY a decade....and stilll, not tooo bad. We dont want to show what Lincoln or Cadillac had that was luxury back then.... I REPEAT....ACURA to date has not offered CRAP as that Catera's interior or 1st gen CTS yet some will defend the CTS....yet crap on the Acura's and with my memory....not bad at all for Acura. About the other Acura stuff... Ill repeat. Honda too with the Accord, their interiors are not exactly sexy....well built but not sexy... Ill repeat. Many confuse that with quality. Ill be changing my tires for the winters and Ill get into the MDX and the other models to refresh my memory but I still stand by my comments. I havent been in those models as I dont really care for them myself... FoMoCo and GM are the ones to be in charge of interior design more so than Honda/Acura but that does not mean Honda/Acura went cheaper, it just means FoMoCo and GM finallly woke the phoque up! Let not our GM or FoMoCo bias get in the way... I also repeat.... The Continental is all but 1 car in a sea of also ran SUVs and badge engineered One Ford portfolio models. If anybody thinks that is not on Buick's level, then they are lying to themselves. Honda too badge engineers its Acura products, so if anybody thinks that Lincoln is soooooo far removed from Acura, they too are lying to themselves... FoMoCo has what Acura has in terms of AWD. Ford has revo-knuckle that is promising but I dont know if Lincoln uses it. Acura has SH-AWD that only Acura uses, if Im not mistaken. The TLX also has PAWS. The NSX was and continues to be a Honda elsewhere on the planet except in North America. Its an Acura here. The Ford GT is a Ford. Not a Lincoln. Does Lincoln need a supercar? Who cares???!!! On a halo to halo car comparison, the NSX trumps (pun NOT intended) the Continental in terms of probably luxury, quality and technology... What does all that mean???!!! I dont know!!! Alls I do know is that Acura in Quebec does not have an image problem like Lincoln has. Ive said this before, Lincoln's road to recovery starts with the Continental and every other model after it, have to be flawless. The SUVs minus the 'Gator are practically flawless. Acura too, is relying one 1 car. The NSX. And all other cars after the NSX also have to be flawless. With a BIG difference though.... Lincoln needs a solid direction. No more One Ford. As does Acura. No more soul-less ugliness. Lincoln needs to correct its quality and luxury PERCEPTION.... NOT ACURA....Even in the States, Acura has NOT soured their image....its their soul that is damaged... I repeat, GM and FoMoCo fanboys prefer to drag Acura in the mud for "quality"... OK....what does Acura mean to me? Acura to me in the 1990s meant that it was the new Oldsmobile. More so, I wish Oldsmobile was more like Acura in the early 1990s. I wished the Olds Cutlass Calais/Achieva was more of a sporty, golf cart handler and better built automobile than it was along the lines of the Integra. I wished the Cutlass Supreme had as much quality and luxury and sportiness as the Acura Legend and Vigor. The Delta 88, I wished those went away and Oldsmobile just concentrated on the Aurora and I wished the Aurora brand propelled Oldsmobile further and beyond what the NSX was doing for Acura. Today, I see the TL and the TLX where the Cutlass Supreme could have done battle and I could see that Oldsmobile could have kicked Acura's ass.... I also see Buick taking over Old's place where Oldsmobile left off, but Buick is missing a certain charisma that Oldsmobile had and Acura for that matter... Buick lacks that sporty feel that Acura exudes, even when Acura has phoqued that up too..... Mr. Horse....RANT OVER!
  25. Wow..... Same list for me.... Except Id nix the Apache for the Chinook. I just love this helicopter. I like the Apache too, its just that the Chinook is bad ass in its own way that I respect dearly. The Mi-28 is the one that could fly backwards right? If that is the one, then Ill forgo go the old skool Mi-24 and Ill modernize my selection and go with ykX's choice of the Mi-28 My Huey is the latest one. The Super Huey. The UH-1Y Venom. Normally, Id go with the classic Viet Nam era Huey, but I gotta stay modern. My Sikorsky UH Series heli would be the Seahawk. The Marine One is close so Ill just keep what Frisky chose. The UH6. MD500. Magnum PI's helicopter's military brother. I like. I keep.
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