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Is it possible to give up cars?

Camino LS6

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I don't really understand the question, but I think in any case I'll answer it by saying, "not without ripping out a piece of me." I concede that my Cobalt is ultimately dispensable as a daily driver, but I don't think I can give it up without a fight, or a really bad emotional outburst. I gave up my truck when it became apparent that the rust problem it had was terminal, and I've thought about it every day since. And don't even ask about the Corvette 8)

I have, however, been thinking about what I'd do if I was the type of person that had no emotional connections to my cars and received no enjoyment from driving them or taking care of them. The answer: leased Hyundais every three years.

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Yea but I think they will always haunt you. I pretty much gave up in the spring after the paint on the LSS was ruined. Here I had all these projects that were makeing little headway just on account of the work I put into the 4......yes 4....that are on the road. Then the LSS needed a whole paint job and my heart was just gone..........So I got rid of most of the projects and bought the G6. At first I felt a weight was lifted but now its like I threw my soul in the garbage. I have spent the past 4 weekends (part time) on front brakes, tires, rear brake cleaning on LSS, and brake lines and electric door locks on 90 Regency. Theres only so much time with 50+ hr work weeks, and house/home projects, plus goofing off.

Between the paint on the LSS

The new dent in the hood of the freshly painted Ciera

Disatisfaction with the GTP

Electric door locks with a substance abuse problem on the just nearly renewed Regency

The dent on the roof on the renewed 86 LeSabre coupe

Storage charges on the 75 Delta 88 Royale convertable

A complete total project for the Scorpion


neverending house projects

yea....Im a bit sick of it

dont mean to be so negitive......but........ :lol: ......... :rolleyes: .......... :scratchchin:

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Maybe I should clarify what I mean. I most certainly do not mean I intend to walk or take a bus. :lol:

However, I only really need my truck, the other 5 could go. In the past I have sold-off my automotive toys to pursue other things (a band,my business etc.), this time around I am thinking of just taking a break from having so many cars just because I enjoy them. I don't have any specific plans that require me to sell the cars other than dumping some debt and simplifying my life. I've just been toying with the idea of going lean on all the possesions for a while. I'd like to try travelling a bit lighter - I think. :blink:

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Possible to give up cars?

Sure it is.

But, I don't think I could do it. I've thought about selling off the collection a couple of different times, most recently in mid-2003 when I was facing mounting medical bills from my January 2003 open heart surgery. A number of friends "stepped in" and talked me out of it.

Sometimes, I wonder tho.....

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"What kind of love keeps breaking a heart?" ... Brooks & Dunn ... 'Long Goodbye'

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Funny you ask this; I ask myself the same thing all the time. I smell a story coming on.....

For a long time I just had one car as a daily driver; the latest of which being my '96 Riviera. First "toy" I ever bought was my '79 Coupe DeVille. I thought having one toy and one daily driver was all I'd ever need. Then a few months go by and Sixty8 talks me into buying my '77 Cutlass Supreme because I wouldn't feel good about myself knowing I had a chance to buy the car for literally pennies on the dollar, not doing so, and then seeing it junked. Three cars now. Cool, I thought. One toy, one daily driver, and one beater just because. I thought I might be spreading myself a bit too thin after a while, and as luck would have it, a friend of mine needed a car. So I told him to take it and we'd work out a payment plan. A little sigh of relief; I'm back to two cars again. Then the Riviera blows up and I end up driving the '79 Coupe DeVille for two months while the Riviera gets fixed. Glad I had that second car around; it sure came in handy. So then the Riviera's fixed and the Coupe DeVille's on the back burner. No problems there; two is fine. Then my friend gets another car and decides he doesn't want the Cutlass anymore, and gives it back to me. Three again. So I once again decide that's a bit too much and decide to sell the Coupe DeVille and do. Back to two; life is good.

So about six months goes by and I'm coming back from a favorite junkyard of mine and see a '71 Coupe DeVille parked on the side of the road. I've always loved the look of Cadillacs in '71 and a two-door was definitely a plus. Not to mention that I missed my '79 Coupe DeVille terribly and regretted selling it. The price seemed too good to pass up for the condition of the car, both mechanically and physically. I talked to the old man, took it for a ride, talked him down another couple hundred and took her home. Back to three, but I was happy. The Olds could be used as a backup car still since it was nothing special and now I had another toy. I also had the space, so no problems there. Three is cool; I can deal with that.

Another three or four months goes by and I get an opportunity to trade my '71 Coupe DeVille and '77 Cutlass Supreme to get my '67 Eldorado. I do so, and once again I breathed a little sigh of relief inside. It's not that I was necessarily looking to go back to two cars, but I did like the fact that I had a little less on my plate and ended up with one really fantastic car to focus all my energy on. One daily driver and one toy is great, I thought. So about ten days go by and there's talk of the '74 Continental limousine being junked. I couldn't let that happen! I used to sit inside that car when I was barely big enough to see over the dashboard, put on the chauffer's hat in the glovebox, and make car noises as I brought my imaginary passengers to their destinations. I loved that car! So I asked the guy who wanted it gone if he was given the okay to junk it would it be alright if I were to just take it. Four days later he hunts me down at the place where I keep the '67 Eldorado and informs me of the option to "adopt" the Continental. I do so without thinking. So not only am I back to three; I'm back to three plus, because now one of 'em's the size of a small school bus! So three seems to be the magic number for me right now. I try and try to thin the herd, but sometimes, as in the case with the Continental, you don't find them; they find you instead.

So to answer your question, would it be possible to give up cars? f@#k NO! If I had ten acres of land I'd never sell a car ever again. I'd go park whatever I was bored with in the weeds and go get something else! Some day some of this stuff will be either gone altogether or so expensive that it's all but unattainable, so I think it'll be neat to say I've had a little bit of everything before it gets to that point. When I'm 90 and I crap my pants I'll get a kick out of my grandkids fighting over whose Toyota hybrid hovercar is better and start to chuckle. Then I'll open a photo album and show them all the REAL cars I had when I was their age :lol:

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I couldnt over totally give up cars. Like I have said, I like both the old and the new stuff. I like my 1981 Bonneville but I like my 2005 Equinox for the daily grind or for severe weather driving(Winter). And like the 2000 Monte Carlo or the 2005 Equinox, I dont want to keep these newer cars longer than 4-5 years. So leasing the Equinox makes perfect sense.

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As much as I love it to death, I'm about to give up on my old 5-series. It averages a shop visit every two to three months - and it's constructed so oddly (to quote a mechanic: "back-asswards") that I can't even perform simple tasks like changing the air filter. It's a beautiful, timeless car that drives great & has loads of modern features...but the reliability is starting to make the vehicle a lot less appealing.

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As much as I love it to death, I'm about to give up on my old 5-series.  It averages a shop visit every two to three months - and it's constructed so oddly (to quote a mechanic: "back-asswards") that I can't even perform simple tasks like changing the air filter.  It's a beautiful, timeless car that drives great & has loads of modern features...but the reliability is starting to make the vehicle a lot less appealing.


I would bet the parts cost is up there too. But if you love the BMW it may still be worth it. What year is it?

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I'd have to say that if something happened to my Impala, there'd be no hard feelings. Now if something happened to my truck....different story all together. The truck IS family. I mean, I'm the third generation driver of the thing, so I couldn't get rid of it, the only way I'd even remotely get rid of it is if I wrecked it against something unmoveable (ie stationary object FAR larger than me, or an 18-wheeler) and there was frame damage. Otherwise, she'd get fixed and put back on the road. The Impala to me, although yes, its a good car, is a daily driver/beater. The Cobalt (wife's) is nice, but its leased so when that's up, we'll probably be buying her something along the lines of a "typical" mommy mobile. So no, the answer is NO, I can't give up on cars, can I let them go if something happens, sure, but can I just up and give up on them? No, never.

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Possible to give up cars?

Sure it is.

But, I don't think I could do it.  I've thought about selling off the collection a couple of different times, most recently in mid-2003 when I was facing mounting medical bills from my January 2003 open heart surgery.  A number of friends "stepped in" and talked me out of it.

Sometimes, I wonder tho.....

I would tell you never to sell them off. You worked very hard to keep them in the shape they are in. You would kick yourself the second they were gone. My parents think about getting rid of their 1985 Caprice but they know too that if they did they would kick themselves. I wouldnt part with the Bonneville for anything.

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"What kind of love keeps breaking a heart?" ... Brooks & Dunn ... 'Long Goodbye'


Edited by 2005 EquinoxLS
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I would tell you never to sell them off. You worked very hard to keep them in the shape they are in. You would kick yourself the second they were gone.


Very true ... I would ... and that's what several friends (even my parents, for that matter) told me at the time. And, I am so glad I listened :).

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I wish keeping them was an option, at the moment it isn't.

I'm sorry it isn't for you Camino.... You have quite a collection. Sure like that GTO ... he he he.

Amending my answer a bit ... I don't think I could give up on the MCs I have currently. But, obviously, it was quite easy to give up the '97 Corsica (er, malibu) and '00 Lumina (er, mc) I bought brand new. Just not good enough for me.

As most of you know, I'm currently trying to locate a winter beater of sorts. I have a few options of older cars ... an '88 MC LS, an '87 Olds Cutlass and an '80 Malibu. I'm also looking at the '06 Charger still. But, it's hard to give up the '87 MC LS as a daily driver (yes, I'd still keep it, but obviously it would "sit the winter out") because it has been so freekin' reliable. I'm afraid that if I get something else for a winter beater/trip car (if the '06 Charger becomes mine), it wouldn't be as reliable.....


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Everything will come out okay. God has his ways of making everything better in the end.


He sure does....

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I can't give up cars completely. I'm 28 years old, started buying cars in 1994, have owned up to six at one time, and I'm up to 54 as of tomorrow when I pick up an '89 Celebrity.

39 of those 54 were purchased for $500 or less cash. No payments. I don't like car payments. I'd rather buy a $300 car (like this Celebrity) and nurse it back to health over 3-6 months, then sell it for $500-$1000 and buy another $300 car...etc etc...

Even if my $300 cars only last a month each, they are still cheaper than a payment on anything new this side of a non-AC Aveo, and I don't have to carry full coverage insurance on it, either.

I've never had the opportunity to buy a car back from someone I sold it to, although there have been a few offers, I've never had the cash, or they put too much money into it, or they broke something like the transmission and wanted to unload it fast, or something wasn't right. Of the 54, there's seven I'd buy back...

'75 Olds Cutlass Supreme sedan (my first car)

'65 Chevy Biscayne post sedan (my fifth car)

'75 Ford Gran Torino sedan (my ninth car)

'80 Chevy Caprice sedan (my tenth car)

'85 Olds Delta 88 Royale Brougham coupe (my twelfth car)

'80 Buick Electra Limited sedan (my thirteenth car)

'79 Olds Delta 88 Royale coupe (my fifty-second car)

Notice a serious presence of GM B/C-body here...I love those 77-90 models. Too bad they remaining ones are being cut up and painted bowling ball colors and plastered with TV screens and 2-foot tall wheels...

I've also been through a lot of A-bodys, front-drive. 3 Centurys, a Ciera, and I'm on my 3rd Celebrity. Will keep buying those because I grew up with them. Parents had a Celebrity and 2 Centurys (second given to me as my 3rd Century to that date).

I'm trying to convince my wife to forget looking at Suburbans and Expeditions in favor of a nice '90 Custom Cruiser I found in northern Louisiana for $1400. All it needs is a alloy wheel center cap and some fresh paint on the hood and roof. Everything works, dual power seats, cold air, windows, cruise, and the guy is still getting 24-26mph on the freeway. There isn't an 8-passenger SUV that can brag about that kind of mileage on gasoline.

All I need is to save up about $20K for fees and licenses and insurance and I can open my own used car lot and go through tens of cars a month. I'll be in heaven!

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I can't give up cars completely.  I'm 28 years old, started buying cars in 1994, have owned up to six at one time, and I'm up to 54 as of tomorrow when I pick up an '89 Celebrity.

39 of those 54 were purchased for $500 or less cash.  No payments.  I don't like car payments.  I'd rather buy a $300 car (like this Celebrity) and nurse it back to health over 3-6 months, then sell it for $500-$1000 and buy another $300 car...etc etc...

Even if my $300 cars only last a month each, they are still cheaper than a payment on anything new this side of a non-AC Aveo, and I don't have to carry full coverage insurance on it, either.

I've never had the opportunity to buy a car back from someone I sold it to, although there have been a few offers, I've never had the cash, or they put too much money into it, or they broke something like the transmission and wanted to unload it fast, or something wasn't right.  Of the 54, there's seven I'd buy back...

'75 Olds Cutlass Supreme sedan (my first car)

'65 Chevy Biscayne post sedan (my fifth car)

'75 Ford Gran Torino sedan (my ninth car)

'80 Chevy Caprice sedan (my tenth car)

'85 Olds Delta 88 Royale Brougham coupe (my twelfth car)

'80 Buick Electra Limited sedan (my thirteenth car)

'79 Olds Delta 88 Royale coupe (my fifty-second car)

Notice a serious presence of GM B/C-body here...I love those 77-90 models.  Too bad they remaining ones are being cut up and painted bowling ball colors and plastered with TV screens and 2-foot tall wheels...

I've also been through a lot of A-bodys, front-drive.  3 Centurys, a Ciera, and I'm on my 3rd Celebrity.  Will keep buying those because I grew up with them.  Parents had a Celebrity and 2 Centurys (second given to me as my 3rd Century to that date).

I'm trying to convince my wife to forget looking at Suburbans and Expeditions in favor of a nice '90 Custom Cruiser I found in northern Louisiana for $1400.  All it needs is a alloy wheel center cap and some fresh paint on the hood and roof.  Everything works, dual power seats, cold air, windows, cruise, and the guy is still getting 24-26mph on the freeway.  There isn't an 8-passenger SUV that can brag about that kind of mileage on gasoline.

All I need is to save up about $20K for fees and licenses and insurance and I can open my own used car lot and go through tens of cars a month.  I'll be in heaven!



I wish I could find a Celebrity around here as a beater...I really liked those, maybe

because I grew up around a few...

And they run forever... :)

The few I found already were on the way to be crushed..or just simply beyond repair... :(

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I'm not trying to be an asshole, but how and why have you owned 54 cars within only 8 years of being able to legally drive? I don't get why. I can see having maybe a car or two and a project car or something, but 54 in 8 years is much more than that..

And welcome to C&G despite my bitchiness. :)

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I'm not trying to be an asshole, but how and why have you owned 54 cars within only 8 years of being able to legally drive? I don't get why. I can see having maybe a car or two and a project car or something, but 54 in 8 years is much more than that..

And welcome to C&G despite my bitchiness. :)


1st car purchased May 1994, before I acquired a license, private party, and I hid it from my parents.

2nd and 3rd cars purchased October 1994, immediately after getting licensed.

4th in December 1994, 5th in February 1995, 6th in August 1995, 7th in September...etc etc

54 cars, 12 years, most of the time owning 2 or 3 at one time, up to 6 at one time. Not hard to have that many. I'm shooting for 100 before I'm 30, but I got married last year, so I might not hit that mark.

I can post the list if you want it, but I'd have to add dates to make it all relevant...

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camino....the new caddilac motto fits for you

i cannot imagine you with out cars

i know you and cars have ALWAYS been your Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit

so you can give up a few, but you will never gime them all up.

where is your blue feather now????

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I think Sixty8 has a new idol to look up to.


Except, of course, for the FWDs.....

Welcome, occupant!

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker

Soon:new pics+revision = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

"Welcome me to stay overnight" ... Ingrim Hill ... 'Will I Ever Make It Home?'

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