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I bought the complete series DVD of Cheers just before Christmas. 

I started watching them sometime in mid January. I finished watching all 11 years 2 weeks ago.  It took me 7-8 weeks.  Yeah...Id call that binge watching!  It turns out, I had watched ALL the episodes back then. Did not miss one show...impressive.

Now, I gotta be clear. When Cheers started, I was too young to start choosing what Im gonna watch, and my dad was not into Cheers back in 1982. But...I did discover Cheers after its 3rd season. Sometime when the 3rd season started, my family was watching Cheers religiously. The re-runs were the reason why I saw all the episodes back in the day. 

The only thing that I noticed was that I barely remember 2 intros. I know I saw them back in the day, but whime watching these new DVDs, my memory of them was faint.  The rest...the memory of Cheers was very very vivid! 

I could honestly say, I STILL love Cheers! 


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I remember some Cheers as a kid and liking it, esp. the earlier ones w/ Shelly Long.  I rarely watch sitcoms these days, but recently got hooked on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.   Binge watched 5+ seasons in about 3 weeks..since they are 22 min each I could watch a bunch in an evening.   Fun characters in a workplace comedy/cop show.  

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I dont get into sitcoms or television today.  Game of Thrones...nope. Breaking Bad...nope.  I cant even mention other shows as I dont know any...

The last sitcom I was really into was 21/2 Men with Charlie Sheen.  

The only stuff I love watching, which is my alone time, is sports. Ill watch NFL football or NHL hockey feverishly. Ill record the games I wanna watch and when the family goes to sleep, Ill watch my sports alone since nobody in the family likes to watch pro sports on TV.  Baseball. Im starting to watch many more baseball games. Excited as Montreal may get another chance sometime in the not tooo far future.  Love baseball more than I do hockey. And I LOOOOOOVE hockey! 

Ill also watch Discovery Channel and History Channel stuff. Whatever that may be. Sometimes my son and daughter see that stuff with me. 

We will watch movies though together. All kinds of movies. My wife is into the trash reality TV. Big Brother. Big Brother Canada. Survivor. Amazing Race. Amazing Race Canada. So as a family, we will do that. Sometimes though, I cant do trash reality TV. So I do youtube instead. 


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I loved Breaking Bad, and it's prequel Better Call Saul.    About the only current network TV shows I watch are Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Orville.    I do watch a lot on streaming--Bosch and The Grand Tour from Amazon, Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access, and a lots of British and Scandanavian/Nordic crime dramas on various streaming outlets.   

About the only sports I watch with any regularity are NFL football, Indy Car Series races, and F1 races.  Still enjoy getting up early on Sunday mornings for F1 races. 

And movies of all sorts..even black and white and once in a great while silent films...no fear of subtitles...I love Hong Kong action/crime films, French dramas, etc.

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23 minutes ago, Robert Hall said:

And movies of all sorts..even black and white and once in a great while silent films...no fear of subtitles...I love Hong Kong action/crime films, French dramas, etc.

Me too!

The black and white stuff, my family will refuse to do...but I just think about my dad (and mom) and my auntie.  I had older parents, my dad's sister, she is 99 years old. Still alive and kickin'!  So when I watch these movies, I think about my dad (and mom) because of all the wonderful 'back in my day' stories they used to tell me! 

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World was on last week, so I PVRed it and we watched it. I had seen it twice before when I was a teenager, loved it then...so I introduced it to my kids. My going on 12 year old son was rolling on the floor laughing!  My 13 year old daughter found it alright. My wife, did not like it too much. She likes drama stuff. No action stuff. Only the abused woman that gets revenge by murdering her abuser that falls in love with the cop that helps her, Oprah channel movies...

She loves her Law and Orders. All of them. SVU being her fave.  And her CSIs...  Ill watch those too, but Im typing away my GIFs and my rants over at Cheers and Gears when these are on! 

Comedy? She does the 1980s and 1990s comedy. And today's comedy I guess. Anything from the 1960s or older and she tunes out! 

Ill do French movies!  Love those!  Especially from the 1960s and 1970s.  Living in Quebec...we got them.

British Comedy stuff too. Living in Canada...we got them.  Benny Hill. I LOVED his comedy!

HMMMMM....Benny Hill shows on DVD? 

Greek movies from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Those were great! I miss them! 

All the time, my parents took me to watch Greek movies at the Realto. An ethnic movie theater in Montreal. I saw a dozen of them there. Then the beauty of Beta and VHS came to be...and we rented many. 

Every week, it was 2 movies we rented. 1 Hollywood movie and 1 Greek movie! 

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For me, rewatching Charmed, NCIS, Criminal Minds, and amazing to see how we improved over the years with CGI and how things are processed.

Watch "Lost in Space", excited for season 2, excited for the new season of "The 100", have tried many different shows, some have been good but are now canceled. Guess I am not much of a tv watching as I would rather go to the gym and work out than sit around in front of the TV.

I do love Cheers and Gears, one of the more emotional investments I have made in a long time.

While lacking some female perspective and character, it is very emotional with all the various characters on the show! :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched this last night with the wife, we both really enjoyed it. A shame he got screwed over the way he did which cut short his life.

Bohemian Rhapsody




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Season #2 for hockey has started. 

And like a crazed addict hooked on some sort of...natural herbs and powders, I was switching from game to game yesterday. 

I wasnt disappointed because most of the games were...awesome!  I found the Preds versus Stars game boring, so I was clicking less on that one to watch the Sharks and the Golden Knights play.   

But the earlier games were all awesome. Twists and turns galore. 

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Recent streaming 'binge' shows--

Modus--decent Swedish crime drama, though the lead actress is rather annoying  2 seasons

The Truth Will Out--solid Swedish crime drama, one season.  

Jack Irish--season 2, offbeat Australian crime drama w/ Guy Pearce

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  • 6 months later...

Watched a couple good auto racing documentaries Friday night, both streaming on Amazon Prime.

 'The 24 Hour War' about Ford and Ferrari, the  GT-40 development, Le Mans 64-67, and  'Ferrari: Road to Immortality' about F1 and sports cars and the Ferrari team drivers in the late 50s, many who died in racing. 

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  • 5 months later...

Watched a couple decent Icelandic crime dramas over the last few days-the 2nd season of "Trapped", not as good as the first season, and the 1st season of 'The Cliff'.   Also watched the Acorn/BBC Scottish crime drama 'Deadwater Fell' with David Tennant, sort of in the flavor of 'Broadchurch' but not as good.  Continuing to sporadically watch 'The Crown', an episode here and there.

Last weekend binge watched the new 6th season of Amazon's 'Bosch'--still a great LA cop drama from writer Michael Connelly.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished season 3 of Finnish crime drama 'Bordertown' this past week, along w/ season 1 of French/Dutch crime drama 'Baptiste' (with the always excellent Tchecky Karyo).    Currently watching French mystery/drama 'Black Spot' .. set in a small French mountain town without cell reception or GPS (hence the title, though the title in French translates to White Spot)...surrounded by woods, mysterious goings-on in the woods, teenagers murdered/missing, a powerful lumber family, etc..feels a lot like 'Twin Peaks'..

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After lots of European crime dramas the last few weeks, been goofing off with '80s comedies this afternoon.. 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels', 'Spies Like Us', and ‘Fletch’ in the evening...love vintage Chevy Chase, Dan Ackroyd, Steve Martin...

Been a quiet weekend... baked some orange roughy and veggies today...

Up to 88 today after 86 yesterday.   Crazy, went from 40s a couple weeks ago to 80s.   Had the windows open yesterday and enjoyed some breezes and fresh air, but upstairs was too warm last night...fired up the AC at 1:30 am for the first time this year.

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On 5/25/2020 at 7:53 PM, Robert Hall said:

'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels', 'Spies Like Us', and ‘Fletch’ in the evening...love vintage Chevy Chase, Dan Ackroyd, Steve Martin...

Me. Too.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels...  Sounds like a great movie to introduce my kids to tonight.  I got the DVD.  I forgot I had it until now.

Us talking about voyages. To Europe. Talking about Italian and Greek trips. The movie is set in the French Riviera.  Im Greek...A Greek billionaire is just about to be swindled in the end...  Yeah... PERFECT movie to sum up the day. Thanks for sharing!  

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On 5/30/2020 at 1:26 PM, Robert Hall said:

Binge-watched the new Netflix Steve Carell comedy Space Force last night...pretty funny.  

Started watching it as well.  Not as funny as I thought it will be but I like how they make fun of pretty much everyone.

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Watched two movies over the work weekend broken into 3 segments as I watched Spectral on Saturday while having breakfast, lunch and dinner before going back to work. Then on Sunday watched Extraction.

I have to HIGHLY RECOMMEND both movies. Netflix did an awesome job on them.

Spectral - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2106651/ Great Scifi and action. https://www.netflix.com/title/80098200 

Extraction - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8936646/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Extreme action, roller coaster ride that never ends and the ending is great. https://www.netflix.com/title/80230399

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Additional movies I have watched in the last 10 weeks of work from home social distance that I really like and yes action / Scifi is my jam!

I am Mother. https://www.netflix.com/title/80227090 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6292852/

Shanghai Fortress. https://www.netflix.com/title/81161230 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6628322/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3

The Titan. https://www.netflix.com/title/80148210 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4986098/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

If you like space, extraterrestrial aliens, action, then these movies are good to watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Streamed the espionage drama 'The Night Manager' over the weekend, a solid effort from the BBC and AMC, based on a John LeCarre novel.  Hugh Laurie was quite good as a villain.  Has Tom Hiddleston (before he was Marvel's Loki) and Olivia Coleman (Broadchurch, The Crown).  Lots of interesting international settings incl. Mallorca, Cairo and Switzerland.

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  • 1 month later...

Finished the latest seasons of ‘Yellowstone’ and ‘Endeavour’ (the Inspector Morse prequel.   Currently streaming the 1st season of ‘Balthazar’, which is not set in New Jersey.  It’s a French crime drama set in Paris, and the titular coroner drives a sweet blue vintage Alpine A110...

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Needed to watch something funny,  started streaming the hilarious Canadian comedy 'Schitt'$ Creek'...I've long liked Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara in the Christopher Guest films (Best of Show, Mighty Wind, etc) and they are great in this comedy, along w/ Levy's son Dan. 

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Right now my wife and I are watching "Person Of Interest" and were binge-watching it because it leaves Netflix on September 22. I wish they would have given us more warning because we would have been binge-watching it last month too. Because we're not going to be able to finish all of the seasons by September 22.

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  • 3 months later...

Wife and I have gotten into this week Season 1 of Stranger Things. We really are enjoying it, almost over and will start Season 2 tomorrow.

Stranger Things (TV Series 2016– ) - IMDb

On 9/5/2020 at 9:07 PM, Gregory Lynn said:

Right now my wife and I are watching "Person Of Interest" and were binge-watching it because it leaves Netflix on September 22. I wish they would have given us more warning because we would have been binge-watching it last month too. Because we're not going to be able to finish all of the seasons by September 22.

Yes, while I do love Netflix, their 1 week notice is a bit short if you have a series that is like 5 to 7 seasons long.

Seems I was wrong or they have changed it, they now give 1 month notice of shows or movies that are leaving.

How to find out if a TV show or movie is leaving Netflix

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