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So, smoking

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Your mom's.

Camino and others: You've got to quit! This has got to be one of the dirtiest habits I can think of! There's really no reason to smoke!

False. I'm smoking my way to a 6-pack. It's also a mean stress reliever, and when combined with coffee, a mean metabolic booster. It can also boost alertness during the day, as well as do amazing things to your singing voice.

I'm certainly not advocating smoking, and I'm not disagreeing that it's a bad habit, but the argument in your post is simplistic and ignorant. Remember, until the whole lung cancer thing came about, smoking was considered "healthy" and "beneficial" for your continued health--that didn't come completely out of nowhere.

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Remember, until the whole lung cancer thing came about, smoking was considered "healthy" and "beneficial" for your continued health--that didn't come completely out of nowhere.

I think that was just marketing spin by evil, corrupt tobacco companies. I don't think there was any scientific basis for the 'smoking is healthy' argument.

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I think that was just marketing spin by evil, corrupt tobacco companies. I don't think there was any scientific basis for the 'smoking is healthy' argument.

No, not entirely. The positive effect on attention and concentration, as well as the appetite-suppressing qualities were fairly well-known. The nerve-calming thing was also well-known.

Did marketing take this and play it up? Of course. But people have been smoking for millenia, and only in the past 50 years has anything started to change.

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False. I'm smoking my way to a 6-pack. It's also a mean stress reliever, and when combined with coffee, a mean metabolic booster. It can also boost alertness during the day, as well as do amazing things to your singing voice.

I'm certainly not advocating smoking, and I'm not disagreeing that it's a bad habit, but the argument in your post is simplistic and ignorant. Remember, until the whole lung cancer thing came about, smoking was considered "healthy" and "beneficial" for your continued health--that didn't come completely out of nowhere.

I don't see these short-term pros outweighing the long-term cons such as shortened life, lung cancer, mouth disease, bad breath, chronic coughing, terrible lingering smell, etc.

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I don't see these short-term pros outweighing the long-term cons such as shortened life, lung cancer, mouth disease, bad breath, chronic coughing, terrible lingering smell, etc.

Where did I ever say it did?

Oh, and the smell thing is definitely subjective. Many people actually LIKE the smell of cigarettes :blink: I'm not a fan, but I've met plenty of people who are...I can't fathom it.

Edited by Croc
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I didn't say you said that. I was stating that just to put it out there. You can't put pros of something disgusting (to me) without cons.

I most certainly can when I'm responding to your claim of:

There's really no reason to smoke!

Let me put it to you in another way. We all know you enjoy your tanning beds. But there's really no reason to fake-bake! Wrinkled, leathery skin, sun splotches, shortened life, skin cancer, sunburn, a lingering after-tan odor, etc.

Get it?

Edited by Croc
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I get it, but I can argue that too, so I see your point lol. However, I haven't fake-tanned since last winter. I'll probably start up again tonight or soon.

Why? I haven't been officially diagnosed, but I'm pretty positive I've got something called Winter SAD:


I'm just not myself in the winter time at all, and tanning seems to help my chemical imbalance since I can never catch any of the little sun we get here in MI during these months. It's not all in my head either because I've done this for a couple years. It's basically the only reason I'll pay to go tanning for about 2 months a year. I know it's not good for your skin.. and it even states it on that site.. but it does make for an easy fix with the bright light therapy.

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I get it, but I can argue that too, so I see your point lol. However, I haven't fake-tanned since last winter. I'll probably start up again tonight or soon.

Why? I haven't been officially diagnosed, but I'm pretty positive I've got something called Winter SAD:


I'm just not myself in the winter time at all, and tanning seems to help my chemical imbalance since I can never catch any of the little sun we get here in MI during these months. It's not all in my head either because I've done this for a couple years. It's basically the only reason I'll pay to go tanning for about 2 months a year. I know it's not good for your skin.. and it even states it on that site.. but it does make for an easy fix with the bright light therapy.

NOS, everyone gets SAD when they aren't seeing sunlight for weeks on end. I've fake-baked too...but my point is that everyone has their vices, and you shouldn't be so judgmental about it, whether it's smoking, fake-baking, candy, soda or fast food. What's disgusting to you...well it's someone else's life.

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I don't like not being in control of myself, so being addicted to smokes kinda ticks me off. Add in the cost of a pack and I'm feeling pretty tired of the whole thing. I started when I was 13 and I think I'm way overdue to dump the damn things.

Get a prescription for Welbutrin. It removes the craving for the nicotine. You'll smoke less and less on your own without trying... till one day you'll notice you didn't have a cigarette all day. Worked for my mom, dad, and sister. I've never smoked anything at all.

Great side effect is, it's an anti-depressant, so it might help you with loss of G8 ST angst.

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While I sympathize with you......there are a gazillion "bad habits" out there, besides smoking, that tend to impact peoples' lives.

I have smoked before......but I love how California has approached smoking......that it's illegal inside any public place. And the funny thing is.....here, smokers really don't bitch about going outside the bar or restaurant to have a smoke.

Even smokers appreciate not having their clothes/hair smell all like smoke.

Banning it from ANY public place, however, is I think going a bit too far.....or else I'm going to suggest banning people with bad B/O....or with poor eating habits in restaurants.....or banning buzzed/drunk people from bars.....etc, etc. You can only take it so far. I'd have to say....if you have a problem with people smoking outside, it's easy enough to avoid them.

I'm going to make sure I pick my nose and wipe it on your shirt next time I see you....

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False. I'm smoking my way to a 6-pack. It's also a mean stress reliever, and when combined with coffee, a mean metabolic booster. It can also boost alertness during the day, as well as do amazing things to your singing voice.

I'm certainly not advocating smoking, and I'm not disagreeing that it's a bad habit, but the argument in your post is simplistic and ignorant. Remember, until the whole lung cancer thing came about, smoking was considered "healthy" and "beneficial" for your continued health--that didn't come completely out of nowhere.

I agree with Croc.....he brings up some good points about it being a stress reliever, alertness booster, and damn, those morning coffee/cigarette poops are to DIE for....


And other than that, and this is a bit wierd, but I REALLY love smoking a few cigs while I'm reading car mags......something about the two that go hand-in-hand.....don't know why.....

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Never smoked a cig, but I've smoked a couple cigars before.

What ruined smoking for me was my childhood friend's dad. He'd take us places when we were kids in his single cab Dakota and would always smoke inside the truck, even during the winter when we couldn't roll the windows down.

My aunt also smoked heavily. Every time we went to her house it was a haze, and I hated staying in there as a kid.

Add in that hardly any of my friends smoke and not many people my age smoke...the appeal just never really caught on with me.

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Never smoked a cig, but I've smoked a couple cigars before.

What ruined smoking for me was my childhood friend's dad. He'd take us places when we were kids in his single cab Dakota and would always smoke inside the truck, even during the winter when we couldn't roll the windows down.

My aunt also smoked heavily. Every time we went to her house it was a haze, and I hated staying in there as a kid.

Add in that hardly any of my friends smoke and not many people my age smoke...the appeal just never really caught on with me.

See, I think stuff like that is rude. Maybe it was a different time, but I never smoke around people if they have an issue with it, and I never force anyone to breathe it if they don't want to. Plus smoking inside is just gross. You rarely confine all the ash to the ashtray, and I wouldn't want my furniture or apartment to smell of it. It's easy enough to just step outside for 5 minutes.

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Well... It's in a public place.... you don't mind my dirty little habit do you.... even if some of it gets on you?

Nonsense. Your example is technically an assault under the law. Outside, if it offends you, you can ask someone to step away, or move away yourself. Inside, you cannot escape it.

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I actually thought about this thread when i dropped $200 on cigs today...

I think i could quit if people were competent. I do make a point that i dont smoke in my cars or houses. I step outside to give me some guilt but it doesn't stop me. oh well...

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I'm a counter to the rhetoric here. Although I do understand the consequences that my habit has on my health (which is why I do strictly limit myself to four cigarettes a day), I smoke cigarettes and rather enjoy it. I've thought about quitting a few times here in recent months since I first started, but like Croc, I've found the way nicotine boosts my overall mood (I've been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder before I quit therapy late last month and smoking actually does help me through mood swings) and alertness, especially in the morning, is very beneficial.

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I could use a cigarette right about now. *nods*

Try a pack of these then. :P


That's what I'm smoking right now. These are just about the smoothest and best-tasting cigarette I've ever smoked. They don't smell that bad either. (It's because the tobacco is mixed in with cloves and a "flavoring sauce" made from fruit extracts.)

The only downside is that my pack cost me $5.08, including tax, here in Kentucky. That's pretty expensive considering my regular Camel Turkish Royals only cost $2.77 before tax.

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Try a pack of these then. :P


That's what I'm smoking right now. These are just about the smoothest and best-tasting cigarette I've ever smoked. They don't smell that bad either. (It's because the tobacco is mixed in with cloves and a "flavoring sauce" made from fruit extracts.)

The only downside is that my pack cost me $5.08, including tax, here in Kentucky. That's pretty expensive considering my regular Camel Turkish Royals only cost $2.77 before tax.

Saying it's the "best-tasting cigarette ever" is like saying "that nutty dog $h! mixed with rat poison is the best tasting dog $h! ever". IMHO.


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not big fan of cloves but they are different and the crackle when you some them IIRC.

dodgefan its not that bad its like coffee, at first it was horrid then you become addicted.

thats pretty cheap yellow! i think a pack of regular Marlboro is 4.39 in mi

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not big fan of cloves but they are different and the crackle when you some them IIRC.

dodgefan its not that bad its like coffee, at first it was horrid then you become addicted.

thats pretty cheap yellow! i think a pack of regular Marlboro is 4.39 in mi

Yeah, they are pretty different, but that's why I like them and buy them if I have the extra cash. They also burn extremely slow; even if you try to hotbox one, it still takes a good 10 minutes to smoke it.

I guess I'm weird then because I really liked my first cup of coffee and my first cigarette. :P

$4.39 is pretty expensive for a pack of Marlboros. I know I wouldn't pay it. In my area, I've found that Walgreens and Speedway have the cheapest cigarettes as far as major brands like Camel and Marlboro go, with a pack of either brand in any flavor/style costing under three bucks.

Saying it's the "best-tasting cigarette ever" is like saying "that nutty dog $h! mixed with rat poison is the best tasting dog $h! ever". IMHO.


Food for thought: my friend once said these smelled like pumpkin pie. If they smell like that even when they're still burning, well ... :P

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Try a pack of these then. :P


That's what I'm smoking right now. These are just about the smoothest and best-tasting cigarette I've ever smoked. They don't smell that bad either. (It's because the tobacco is mixed in with cloves and a "flavoring sauce" made from fruit extracts.)

The only downside is that my pack cost me $5.08, including tax, here in Kentucky. That's pretty expensive considering my regular Camel Turkish Royals only cost $2.77 before tax.

Not to nit-pick, but those are kreteks, not cigarettes. And I smoked these for a few months, but I got an upper respiratory infection, and those things were KILLER! I can't really stomach them much now after that, but they do taste damn good. I do wish Djarum made them shorter, because they smoke about a minute and a half longer than I'd prefer.

Saying it's the "best-tasting cigarette ever" is like saying "that nutty dog $h! mixed with rat poison is the best tasting dog $h! ever". IMHO.


Yeah you just don't know what you're talking about--at all. You obviously have never even smelled one of these.

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I guess I'm weird then because I really liked my first cup of coffee and my first cigarette. :P

I initially liked both. I truly don't understand how some people say they don't like coffee. That's like saying you don't like ice cream--there's 32 f@#king flavors and you're telling me you tried every single one of them and decided they all suck? I'm definitely not a fan of certain roasts of coffee, but overall I will drink them all--I just prefer some over others.

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Not to nit-pick, but those are kreteks, not cigarettes.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.

To be honest, though, the difference between the two is sort of like the difference between an orange and a lime in my opinion.

And I smoked these for a few months, but I got an upper respiratory infection, and those things were KILLER! I can't really stomach them much now after that, but they do taste damn good. I do wish Djarum made them shorter, because they smoke about a minute and a half longer than I'd prefer.

Ah, sorry to hear about that, Croc.

But, yes, these do smoke for quite sometime. For me, it takes up to a good 13 to 14 minutes to smoke one. I don't really mind it, however. In fact I've noticed that when I do have a pack of these, I tend to go through them just a little bit slower than I do a pack of Camels, oddly enough.

I initially liked both. I truly don't understand how some people say they don't like coffee. That's like saying you don't like ice cream--there's 32 f@#king flavors and you're telling me you tried every single one of them and decided they all suck? I'm definitely not a fan of certain roasts of coffee, but overall I will drink them all--I just prefer some over others.


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My dad is on one pack a day and has been like that for years. He's 68 now and sounds like his lungs want to escape for air when he starts coughing with a really disgusting sound. The family is pretty sure he has emphysema as he is very short of breath from any amount of physical exertion. This is all key because watching him age with smoking is what kept me away from cigs all my life. In fact, my mom, two sisters and my brother all avoided the habit for this very reason. We're all actually amazed he's made it this long.

My wife, on the other hand, smoked since she was 12. She's 31 now, but quit smoking after she met me when we were 23. The biggest reason? She loves me. I never did anything to suggest that I hated her for smoking; rather, I reminded her that if she were ever to want to quit, I would support her in any way she desired. What did it was, in her words, the fact that I smiled at her every time she lit up. This made her think that I had endless faith in her that she would one day be free of cigarettes. Little-by-little, she was down to barely one a day before she quit altogether.

Edited by ShadowDog
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That is true but I doubt I'm missing out...health hazards are health hazards.

well anything is a health hazard like

Car exhaust

using the stove

runing the furnace


bon fires

side walks



sewer caps

if you treat life as a health hazard then sit in your chair in a bunker and hope there are no rats or bunker busters coming at you.

....... :P

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well anything is a health hazard like

Car exhaust

using the stove

runing the furnace


bon fires

side walks



sewer caps

if you treat life as a health hazard then sit in your chair in a bunker and hope there are no rats or bunker busters coming at you.

....... :P

Well I'm not here to preach, if you smoke whatever...just don't do it around me. It's ffar more unhealthy than any of that stuff..besides car exhaust if you suffocate yourself with it. Considering my grandmother just passed away from lung cancer, no doubt because she smoked a lot when she was younger...I think I'll pass.

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I actually thought about this thread when i dropped $200 on cigs today...

I think i could quit if people were competent. I do make a point that i dont smoke in my cars or houses. I step outside to give me some guilt but it doesn't stop me. oh well...

$200 on cigarettes?

I mean, I've spent $200 no problem on cigars...but cigarettes? Really?

I guess if you have the habit you might as well stock up.

Try a pack of these then. :P


That's what I'm smoking right now. These are just about the smoothest and best-tasting cigarette I've ever smoked. They don't smell that bad either. (It's because the tobacco is mixed in with cloves and a "flavoring sauce" made from fruit extracts.)

The only downside is that my pack cost me $5.08, including tax, here in Kentucky. That's pretty expensive considering my regular Camel Turkish Royals only cost $2.77 before tax.

Ah yes...Djarums...Those were the first cancer sticks I ever tried I believe. Quite potent. They smelled nice....had a nice flavor, and knocked me on my ass. I smoked a pack over a long period and other than trying some cigarettes here and there in the past I just stick with cigars.

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YJ, $2.77 for cigarettes?

Marlboros run in the $6-$7 range here. In NYC, they're a dollar or two more.

Well, Kentucky currently doesn't have completely asinine taxes on tobacco, for starters. After all, tobacco used to be this state's main cash crop once upon a time.

Also, that price is for a pack of Camels from Walgreens, a national chain. Of course, since they buy their product in mass quantities, it's cheaper versus say the local hometown tobacco shop.

This PDF file will pretty much explain the reason why people in New York pay more for a deck of smokes versus people in Kentucky: http://www.healthyarkansas.com/healthcare_...%20rankings.pdf

Edited by YellowJacket894
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$200 on cigarettes?

I mean, I've spent $200 no problem on cigars...but cigarettes? Really?

I guess if you have the habit you might as well stock up.

yep 4 cartons of newports roughly 50 a piece.

nothing like a good cigar.

some i like are


java by drew estate its smells and tastes so good

romeo and juliet reserves

or some illegal Cubans with a little mj in it....

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