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Uh... ooook


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I am guilty of eating at McDonald's this evening on the way home. Some McDonald's have newspaper boxes in the drive-thru lane for breakfast customers, painted in McD's colors. I'm sitting there gorging on my 100% pure beef 1/4 pounder... when this chick drives up in a minivan, rolls down her window... and starts talking to the newspaper box like she's trying to order her food...

I was like... :huh:

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You put the bug in my ear ocnblu, I went to McDonald's for lunch today. I think I was having a flashback, it was 1972 all over again and I got what I use to get then (this was way before a Happy Meal was thought of), I got a Hamburger and a dollar fry, just like back in the day. I didn't get the coke, because I don't drink soft drinks, but I did get bottled water. It's surprising how much the food taste the same as it did back in 1972. I did enjoy it, I guess i'll eat there again in another 30 something years from now. :smilewide:

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I am guilty of eating at McDonald's this evening on the way home. Some McDonald's have newspaper boxes in the drive-thru lane for breakfast customers, painted in McD's colors. I'm sitting there gorging on my 100% pure beef 1/4 pounder... when this chick drives up in a minivan, rolls down her window... and starts talking to the newspaper box like she's trying to order her food...

I was like... :huh:

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Apparently meal worms are...

Snopes to the rescue!

Claim: McDonald's hamburgers contain worm meat.

Status: False.

Origins: Common sense should tell us this rumor is false. Pound for pound, earthworms cost more than beef -- it doesn't make sense to use a filler that is more expensive than what's being replaced.

Ah, but rumors don't rely upon common sense. It's the "yuck!" factor that gets us, and so the earthworm (sometimes kangaroo meat) additive rumor has long bedeviled McDonald's. (In some locales, the local Jack in the Box is fingered instead of McDonald's.) Dating to 1978 (it might well be older -- one reader recalls hearing it in 1973 or 1974) and of uncertain origin, this tale has a long tradition of being believed. By one common account, CBS's 60 Minutes dug up the worm scandal; in fact, it never had.

Full text at http://www.snopes.com/horrors/food/wormburg.asp

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Sometimes I just feel like a burger from their, and the Snack wraps, when fresh are pretty awesome...so f@#k you BV :P

Is it goo for me? Hell No...but I don't go to McDonald's to eat healthy...only stupid people would attempt that.

Edited by Dodgefan
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I avoid McDonalds and Birger Kind whenever possible. I usually go to Culvers or Toms if I want fast food. At least there you get something decent. I will go to Hardees for the Ham and Cheese but thats about it. I have seen people walk though the drive-thru because there were too many people inside.

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Sometimes I just feel like a burger from their, and the Snack wraps, when fresh are pretty awesome...so f@#k you BV :P


I have no problem with some fast food... like some much less common places. But Mcdonald's... Damn. It's like eating trash out of a dumpster. When you have other places to choose from... *gag*

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I still eat at MickeyDs once in a while...sometimes, I can't resist a bacon/egg/cheese biscuit value meal or a couple snack wraps and a fruit and walnut salad..

At least I live in a large metro area with numerous restaurants choices and can avoid fast food when I dine out.. Unlike when I visit my mom and brother in podunk, Ohio where MickeyD's, Wendys, Subway, and Dominos Pizza are about the only restaurant choices within 20 miles...

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I've got no issues with McD's. They have unsweetened iced tea on tap. I used to get a super-sized one after the gym until damned Morgan "Super-Size Me" Spurlock came along and they dropped them for merely "large".

Besides, you know going in that a Big Mac ain't exactly spa food. It's places that serve you salads like Koo Koo Roo with the Chinese Chicken salad that has about 175 more calories than that Big Mac (703) or that healthy chicken bowl with curry sauce at 1200 calories that are the stealth bad-boys

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Yeah, I like Chinese food, but after reading about the horrific amounts of fat and salt in restaurant Chinese food, I get scared. A lot of local Chinese places are putting steamed white and brown rice, along with steamed meat and veggies and sauce on the side on their menus. I go for that, the taste is much cleaner.
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