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I can haz rant?

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So just a few minutes ago I watched some young punk wipe off his laptops screen with a small American flag while his db friend put it upside down on this stick it was on. If my girl didn't need to attend this school he would be going to f@#king hospital right now.

Edited by deftonesfan867
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God forbid anyone having an American Flag mousepad, coffee mug, bandana, or any such item and use it for anything!

Croc..he was purposely disgracing the flag and even said "oh no I'm disgracing the American flag" while him and his friend laughed. When my gf got out of class I told her what happened standing just a few feet from him. He pretended to not hear a word I said.

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Croc..he was purposely disgracing the flag and even said "oh no I'm disgracing the American flag" while him and his friend laughed. When my gf got out of class I told her what happened standing just a few feet from him. He pretended to not hear a word I said.

You didn't say that in your original post. Changes things a bit.

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Uhh, he used his flag to wipe the grease, dirt, and grime off his computer screen... You're an idiot if that's how you see it, Croc.

Not really. From the original post, it could very easily have been someone who is just not all that smart, but as the OP noted, it was intentional. That does change things a bit. That said, considering

has been a legal form of free speech in this country, I don't honestly see what the big deal is.
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Why quote yourself? Nothing in the bolded text shows any malicious intent per se. Your addition of the running commentary, however, does demonstrate that whoever it was was not just being ignorant. Still, though, I don't see the need for violent urges.

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Why quote yourself? Nothing in the bolded text shows any malicious intent per se. Your addition of the running commentary, however, does demonstrate that whoever it was was not just being ignorant. Still, though, I don't see the need for violent urges.

Because I've ALWAYS had a deep respect for what the flag represents and he might as well said "f@#k america even tho I'm attending school w/ help from the government"

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Except in part it had nothing to do with politics, just being a smart ass and trying to be "rebellious".

Obviously whoever it was decided to do it as an immature ploy for attention. Knowing that you are above that and he is being immature...well there you go. I mean you just said it had nothing to do with politics and it was obvious he was just being a smart ass, presumably to get a reaction out of someone. Why give him what he wants?

Because I've ALWAYS had a deep respect for what the flag represents and he might as well said "f@#k america even tho I'm attending school w/ help from the government"

And if that is what he wants to communicate about himself, then that is his right. Really, I'm not agreeing with him, but I think your "If my girl didn't need to attend this school he would be going to f@#king hospital right now" is just a wee bit of an overreaction.

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Well not to hijack your thread but I was called out to snowblow the damn sidewalk because the plows pushed the snow over all of the area which I cleared. So I'm annoyed to start with but whatever. Go to the driveway and get the snowblower out of the garage. To get it from the garage to the driveway I have to get it between the van and my car. We had ice last week and no one bothered to help me clear it besides one car spot and then gave up. Fast forward to today and the snowblower slips and slides into my car and leave 2 lagrge scrapes in it.

Let's just say I threw the shovel very hard and very far, and nearly broke the handlebars off the snowblower. :angry:

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Well not to hijack your thread but I was called out to snowblow the damn sidewalk because the plows pushed the snow over all of the area which I cleared. So I'm annoyed to start with but whatever. Go to the driveway and get the snowblower out of the garage. To get it from the garage to the driveway I have to get it between the van and my car. We had ice last week and no one bothered to help me clear it besides one car spot and then gave up. Fast forward to today and the snowblower slips and slides into my car and leave 2 lagrge scrapes in it.

Let's just say I threw the shovel very hard and very far, and nearly broke the handlebars off the snowblower. :angry:

Ice sucks. I don't really mind snow much, but ice is a whole 'nother story..

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I saw a kid in the grocery store the other day unwrap a piece of candy, stick it in his mouth, and then proceed to drop the wrapper on the floor and kick it under a cold drink case. All while his parents stood there oblivious. What a little punkass bitch. Edited by ocnblu
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I saw a kid in the grocery store the other day unwrap a piece of candy, stick it in his mouth, and then proceed to drop the wrapper on the floor and kick it under a cold drink case. All while his parents stood there oblivious. What a little punkass bitch.

Nah, see, my parents woulda beat my tail in the store... and again when I got home.

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I saw a kid in the grocery store the other day unwrap a piece of candy, stick it in his mouth, and then proceed to drop the wrapper on the floor and kick it under a cold drink case. All while his parents stood there oblivious. What a little punkass bitch.

hated that kind of crap when i worked at office depot during school. people would come in there and set their kids out to free-range while they shopped. run all through the store mess up the furniture displays and all that crap. the one i really hated though was a couple of dr's that would come in. they would put their daughter in the buggy and immediately she would start screaming the whole time she was there. they just walked around like they didnt hear her at all. everyone just stared like what the crap?

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I was a mischevious little devil when I was a young sprat. I would poke holes in the tops of all the wrapping paper plastic. :smilewide:

Yeah...that's pretty bad. I was all over the place, too...but I don't recall ever doing anything like that--and no one has told any stories, either!

I just remember whenever I'd visit my grandmother when I was little, I'd go into the kitchen and stack the spices all up on the rotating cabinet they had, and SPIN IT!! Every single time I'd freak out the nurse she had during the day at the condo. Fun times. My dad was a total enabler, too.

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