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Sexual Preference

Drew Dowdell

What is your sexual preference...  

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  1. 1. What is your sexual preference...

    • Heterosexual
    • Hetero-Flexible
    • Bisexual
    • Homo-Flexible
    • Homosexual

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IAN: I like the '06 Impala i your sig. :ph34r:
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Where have you been for the last half century?


I have only been alive for 48 years, and know that gay did not mean homosexual in the 1960s or 1970s. I suspect it happended in the 1980s. Whatever, there seems to be plenty of evidence that some people are truely born homosexual, and that others practice homosexuality just to be rebels or trouble-makers. I just wish the later would stop trying to recruit children to their behavior.
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0.5GB would be a cover, 10GB means you're a sex crazed pervert.  http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/AH-HA_wink.gif
Is that exhaust residue and Hydrocarbons on your $hlong?  :ph34r:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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I have only been alive for 48 years, and know that gay did not mean homosexual in the 1960s or 1970s.  I suspect it happended in the 1980s.  Whatever, there seems to be plenty of evidence that some people are truely born homosexual, and that others practice homosexuality just to be rebels or trouble-makers.   I just wish the later would stop trying to recruit children to their behavior.


...and this would be the definition of ignorance and stupidity. Edited by CD/BP
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"gay" was adopted in the 1960s to mean homosexual...hate to break it to ya...All In The Family had an episode where one of Edith's relatives was gay, and that was filmed in the 1970s. Also, homosexuality and pedophelia are completely unrelated, especially since the vast majority of pedophiles (who abuse boys) are married (straight) men.
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Not even fear, really - just ignorance. Too many of us who are "normal" keep a low profile, rather than show the world what real gay people are like. I am "out" at work and always have been. I worked at a Cadillace dealership in the early '80s and I was out then, too. I came out to my parents when I was 15. My mother freaked at first, but she eventually came around. What she said to me when I was 18 really stuck with me: "Most of my friends (she was 37 at the time) can't even handle their own sexuality, so how can you expect them to handle yours?" People in general are just plain hung up about sex. It is the way we are brought up. Sex is dirty. It is bad. It is disgusting. These attitudes must change first! Part of her coming around was meeting my first boyfriend. I was 17, he was 19. She liked him so much that she realized we can't all be that bad. I don't feel like a role model, but I know I have changed a lot of straight people's misconceptions about gay people. I don't wear dress. I love cars. I don't know any show tunes. If it wasn't for my boyfriend, I would be a target for the fashion police when I leave the house. I've had to fight more than my share of women wanting to date me. We each do our part in our own way.
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Wow... never realized there were so many gay guys here. I'm straight... Never had any second thoughts about it. No problem with gay people though, grew out of that in high school. I am a Christian too, but IMO any real Christian should know that its not their place to judge others in this world. Just about every gay person I've met has been a good person. Well... except for one weird old guy that came into my work late one night and kept offering me a blowjob... but he might not have been gay, probably just a crackhead who needed money. And no... I didn't take him up on the offer :P .
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I'm straight... Never had any second thoughts about it. No problem with gay people though, grew out of that in high school. I am a Christian too, but IMO any real Christian should know that its not their place to judge others in this world. Just about every gay person I've met has been a good person.


That's pretty much me.
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I agree. That's my opinion as well. Having been raised Christian, I was taught that Christians were the messengers of God, but the judgment of all people was reserved for Armageddon. Think about it. If Christians were responsible for judging everybody on this planet, then why would we need Armageddon anyways? No human can really know what is in another person's heart and soul. A brief 15 minute encounter may not even lend you that gay person's name... let alone a right to condemn him/her to Hell.
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You realize that's every gay guy's fantasy?  At least us "stealth" gay guys who appear hetero to the world.  Shhhh... let's fool around together!  <=== to no one in particular, just setting the scene. :ph34r:


i dream about that alot B)
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Well here I go, hopefully this will be understood not twisted because I have no reason for posting this other than to shed some straight light on the issue and someone just called someone a hater. Nothing I write below is meant to be insulting, its just me evaluating and yes that is scary. Here goes, into the fire > I actually dont believe gay ever meant homosexual until recently. Im sure it is in the dictonary now. Certainly straight people would have never used the term cheerful and gay if it indicated sexuality. Which clearly today is the only way in which the word is used. If I went down town and said "boy, I feel gay today" my life would be ruined. We had a "gay ol time"...."oh ya did did ya?" The guy didnt sound like a hater to me ?? I dont understand gay - much, I cant understand not being extremely attracted to women. And sexually attracted to woman. I understand being born more fem than masc but both exist anyhow, so no I dont understand it. I have had some concern about it being fadish or easier. Im guessing but Im think mention of recuiting had more to do with influencing rather than sex with children. I know I do prefer to hang with my friends and woman mostly scare me from a hang out stand point. Not the case with my "wife" however, we are best buds and hang out all the time, sometimes with my wang out. On the other hand guys creep me out from a sexual stand point, thus where the word queer came from, it gives straight people a queer feeling and it really does, if your not straight please believe me its a very queer feeling. Of course this was found to be insulting so the word gay was applied. It works for me. Would any of you like to offer any evaluation of why a woman does not make your mouth water ? I just cant understand that, really. Ive made a life studying the female body, to the point where I could be called a pig for my gauking but I tell people I do the same with mountain ranges and fine automobiles. So really, woman just dont have this effect on gay men ? How come ? The curves are just so wonerful ;-)
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razor, you're ok. It's alright if you don't understand something you've never been involved with.

When I was still dating girls I always felt like it was for show. It was joyless. I never had that urge, ya know? Just like you never had the urge to have sex with your guy friends. It's pretty much the same. Sex with women was just going through the motions. I wanted to be just friends.

Guys are expected to have sex with girls, so I forced myself to believe for a while that what I was feeling toward other guys was normal... that everyone felt the same, but didn't act on it... once I acted on it, I knew that being gay was the way I was designed and I couldn't deny it to myself... although I continue to deny it to the people who mean the most to me... my family (not that I've been asked directly.)
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I actually dont believe gay ever meant homosexual until recently.

Well that would be an incorrect asumption. "Gay" has meant homosexual since at least the Stonewall Riots. That was the summer of 1969.

I dont understand gay - much, I cant understand not being extremely attracted to women. And sexually attracted to woman. I understand being born more fem than masc but both exist anyhow, so no I dont understand it.

I've never understood why straight guys trip over this. It's really quite simple. Gay guys are attracted to guys. Attraction towards males comes naturally to gay men.

I have had some concern about it being fadish or easier.

This is simply ridiculous. Go find me some gay kid who is suffering through his teen years because its the "in" thing to do or easier. How on earth is it easier to be ridiculed? Luckily for kids growing up now its getting better. For someone from 'blu's era...an absolute nightmare I would imagine. (Heh and no Im not calling 'blu and old fogey)

On the other hand guys creep me out from a sexual stand point, thus where the word queer came from, it gives straight people a queer feeling and it really does, if your not straight please believe me its a very queer feeling.

Yes and for a gay guy, women from a sexual standpoint creep us out.

Would any of you like to offer any evaluation of why a woman does not make your mouth water ? I just cant understand that, really. Ive made a life studying the female body, to the point where I could be called a pig for my gauking but I tell people I do the same with mountain ranges and fine automobiles. So really, woman just dont have this effect on gay men ? How come ? The curves are just so wonerful

Like I said above I just don't get why straight guys can't grasp this....if you're gay then you are NATURALLY attracted to guys. I dunno, I feel like Im stating the obvious here. Edited by CD/BP
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Well that would be an incorrect asumption. "Gay" has meant homosexual since at least the Stonewall Riots. That was the summer of 1969.

Im not argueing here but this is totally funny

Now we all know 1969 was the beginning of volcabular awareness :rolleyes:

Gay was a commonly used word long long long before 1969, I think you just did some assumption. At least in 1969 I knew life and language, existed before me.

Kids these days :rolleyes:
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Im not argueing here but this is totally funny

Now we all know 1969 was the beginning of volcabular awareness  :rolleyes:

Gay was a commonly used word long long long before 1969, I think you just did some assumption. At least in 1969 I knew life and language, existed before me.

Kids these days  :rolleyes:


Apparently you missed the fact that I said "AT LEAST." LoL...no where did I say the word gay came into play exactly during 1969.

Well that would be an incorrect asumption. "Gay" has meant homosexual since at least the Stonewall Riots. That was the summer of 1969.

People over 40 these days. :rolleyes: Edited by CD/BP
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Would any of you like to offer any evaluation of why a woman does not make your mouth water ? I just cant understand that, really. Ive made a life studying the female body, to the point where I could be called a pig for my gauking but I tell people I do the same with mountain ranges and fine automobiles. So really, woman just dont have this effect on gay men ? How come ? The curves are just so wonerful ;-)


It just doesn't. Hmmm... probably for the exact opposite reasons you like a woman, I like a man. You like soft, I like hard. You may like petite, and I definitely like broad. You may like a higher voice, whereas a lower voice gets me going.

It just is what it is. Now, I tried SO hard to like women... I've kissed them... I've even fooled around a bit. Hey, I can say I'm a breast man, but for the wrong reasons--I have insomnia and have just felt that they make awesome pillows. :lol:

Please... I've gone to straight strip clubs, and I have had lap dances... the whole thing is just a HUGE turnoff for me. And I would have done anything growing up to be "normal".

Now, I like sex as much as any horny straight man, and I would be caught in your situation and called a pig if it was more acceptable for me to gauk at men, but it isn't, so I don't. Edited by Paolino
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My wife and her sister went to school with a boy who always dressed in bright colors more typical of girls and otherwise acted more like a girl, so they were not surprised when he would up living with a "roommate." He came from a normal family, so there was no drama or trauma which might caused his behavior. That kid is an excellent example of someone who was apparently born homosexual. However, anyone who thinks that there are not rebels and trouble-makers behaving as homosexuals is fooling themselves. A friend of mine has a brother who is just such a rebel / trouble-maker. People who do not observe the attempts by such rebels and trouble-makers to recruit children are fooling themselves just as much as those who claim that tobacco companies do not try to recruit children. Edited by FSTephenMasek
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My wife and her sister went to school with a boy who always dressed in bright colors more typical of girls and otherwise acted more like a girl, so they were not surprised when he would up living with a "roommate."  He came from a normal family, so there was no drama or trauma which might caused his behavior.  That kid is an excellent example of someone who was apparently born homosexual. 

However, anyone who thinks that there are not rebels and trouble-makers behaving as homosexuals is fooling themselves.  A friend of mine has a brother who is just such a rebel / trouble-maker. People who do not observe the attempts by such rebels and trouble-makers to recruit children are fooling themselves just as much as those who claim that tobacco companies do not try to recruit children.


Well, 100% born homo here ;) Fought it for 19 years (actually more or less, cause I wasn't aware of my sexuality at age 1 and I didn't come out until I was 21 to my friends, 23 to my parents... I just finally admitted it to myself at 19)
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Seriously... anyone who thinks people are going to stop experimenting (rebels and trouble makers? it's NATURAL) really doesn't have the faintest grasp of what makes us human.

As far as "recruiting children", that smacks of pedophilia, which is a heinous mental illness, as far as I am concerned. It needs to be diagnosed and treated, with the people being kept away from potential victims. It has nothing to do with homosexuality, which is a natural, healthy variation. Recruiting adults is much more fun anyway. (Kidding! This "recruiting" thing is so ridiculous).

Having a homosexual experience doesn't make you gay. That comes from inside, NOT outside. It also doesn't ruin your life.

I actually think bisexuals have it best, especially if all parties are aware and understanding. Who wouldn't want to double your chances of getting a date on Friday night?
Edited by ocnblu
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Hey bud, why does your nickname say "F Stephen Masek"?  Who is Stephen Masek, and why are you effing him?  Come on, you can come clean here, we're all stuck in this crazy little world together, we may as well be true to one another.

Seriously... anyone who thinks people are going to stop experimenting (rebels and trouble makers?  it's NATURAL) really doesn't have the faintest grasp of what makes us human.  As a kid off and on until I was 18, a step cousin and I used to fool around together.  He is 3 years older than I am.  We stopped because he got married.  He now has two kids and hasn't done anything with a guy since his marriage (that I know of, I haven't seen him at all in maybe 4 years).  It was perfectly innocent, and no, he didn't recruit me, I was "that way" as far back as I can remember.

As far as "recruiting children", that smacks of pedophilia, which is a heinous mental illness, as far as I am concerned.  It needs to be diagnosed and treated, with the people being kept away from potential victims.  It has nothing to do with homosexuality, which is a natural, healthy variation.  Recruiting adults is much more fun anyway.

Having a homosexual experience doesn't make you gay.  That comes from inside, NOT outside.  It also doesn't ruin your life.

I actually think bisexuals have it best, especially if all parties are aware and understanding.  Who wouldn't want to double your chances of getting a date on Friday night?


OCN, I used to pray every night that I would at least wake up the next day bisexual... the thought of having a wife and kids just sounded so much easier than being a full-out homosexual. Alas, though, I likes what I likes... now that I'm cool with it, it's no big deal, but man, it woulda helped when I was younger!
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I have only been alive for 48 years, and know that gay did not mean homosexual in the 1960s or 1970s.  I suspect it happended in the 1980s.  Whatever, there seems to be plenty of evidence that some people are truely born homosexual, and that others practice homosexuality just to be rebels or trouble-makers. I just wish the later would stop trying to recruit children to their behavior.


Have you been sheltered for 48 years also?
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People need to study their history and human sexuality. In the womb, we are all FEMALE until such time that varioius hormones and other things happen to fold in the lips of the vagina to form the scrotum, etc. Sounds icky, but with all the things that can go "wrong" is there any wonder human sexuality is so fluid? I hear Sick Kids hospital has to deal with several babies every month that are born with both sets of genitilia. I have been gay all my life. I had a crush on my best friend in kindergarten. I didn't know how to explain it, of course, I just wanted to touch him and be next to him. I fooled around with girls in highschool because I was EXPECTED to. I don't want to blow my own horn, but at 6'2" and a hunk of burning love...well, fighting girls off just looked bad. My parents have known since I was 15 and let me tell you: in 1976 that wasn't a fun thing. However, I KNEW I was gay and nothing was going to change it. Growing up, I had sex with most of my "straight" friends, many of whom are married with kids today. My mother's best friends' husband, at the age of 52, up and told his wife that he is gay. My mother expected me to help him through it, which I tried. Interesting point: his eldest son, Lawrence, was having a hard time dealing with his father's homosexulaty. Do you know why? Lawrence and I fooled around all through junior highschool, yet he is now happily married and living in Germany. Suppressed feelings, perhaps? Homosexuality is definitely biological. I know of a couple sets of twins who are both gay - and, no, they were never molested nor had sex with each other. I have a gay uncle and my mother now confesses suspicions about my (long dead) father. And pedophilia...don't get me started on that. Remember, boys and girls (no pun intended) the definition of pedophilia is sex with PRE-pubescent children. We have this distorted view in modern society that children are innocent. Ever walk by a school yard these days and hear the language? Or the budding mental torture these little monsters are getting good at? Only a few generations ago, we were married at 14, working 12 hour days on the farm, factory or coal mines and were dead by 35. That is nature. What came after is meddling by the Church and by the luxury of spare time and leisure afforded to us by the INdustrial Revolution. Study ancient Rome and Greece. A far different view of sexuality than today. Far more modern, but they don't teach that in school. Even Alexander the Great was gay, and in this "enlightened" time they can still only skirt around it in a major Hollywood movie. Oops, this is starting to sound like a rant.
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It may be easier being bisexual for sex/relationship reasons but we're constantly harrassed about being "gays in denial" or "afraid to come out." I like guys and girls equally, there's just something about both that I find fascinating. From cologne/perfume ("Fierce" by Abercrombie and "Curious" by Britney Spears) to hair to strength to feminism (NOT in guys) to mannerisms to beauty...it's all good. To demonstrate my point, I find something really sexy about a woman who wears a suit, and I don't mean in the coke bottle glasses, birds nest hair, secretary kind of way.
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It may be easier being bisexual for sex/relationship reasons but we're constantly harrassed about being "gays in denial" or "afraid to come out."  I like guys and girls equally, there's just something about both that I find fascinating.  From cologne/perfume ("Fierce" by Abercrombie and "Curious" by Britney Spears) to hair to strength to feminism (NOT in guys) to mannerisms to beauty...it's all good.

To demonstrate my point, I find something really sexy about a woman who wears a suit, and I don't mean in the coke bottle glasses, birds nest hair, secretary kind of way.


Sexuality is not black and white, there is plenty of grey!
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It's only natural for people to want to separate things/peaople/ideas into groups. We all do it. There are some great remarks here from both the gay and straight men here, but there's some dumb comments too. In a nutshell, here is how I look at the different between being gay and straight. Gay: Programmed like a Macintosh Computer. Still good, perfectly ok, but not common. Straight: Programmed like an IBM Compatible computer. Still good, perfectly ok, and common. Lots of people are gay. It transcends every stereotype people have (girly boys, manly girls, tranvestites, recruiters). I wont even touch the pedophile comment by the old man a few pages back. That's just ignorance at its worse, and pretty typical of alot of people out there. Gay is normal, not common. Chief
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My friend Xiamara is never wrong with her gaydar. It's remarkable. She can spot it a quarter mile away no joke. Mine's pretty good for a straighty, but doesn't come close to comparing to hers (she's bi, mostly straight or hetero-flex, whatever you wanna call it). She and I do agree though that homosexuals easily make up 10% of the population like Kinsey suggested (frankly we think it might be closer to 20%), and 20% are heterosexual, and everyone else falls somewhere between with various degrees of bisexuality. That's just how we perceive it from our people-watching, and I know it doesn't take asexuality into account, but that's pretty hard to spot (anyone able to spot it?)

Just my $.02

Anyone else?
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My friend Xiamara is never wrong with her gaydar.  It's remarkable.  She can spot it a quarter mile away no joke.  Mine's pretty good for a straighty, but doesn't come close to comparing to hers (she's bi, mostly straight or hetero-flex, whatever you wanna call it).  She and I do agree though that homosexuals easily make up 10% of the population like Kinsey suggested (frankly we think it might be closer to 20%), and 20% are heterosexual, and everyone else falls somewhere between with various degrees of bisexuality.  That's just how we perceive it from our people-watching, and I know it doesn't take asexuality into account, but that's pretty hard to spot (anyone able to spot it?)

Just my $.02

Anyone else?


I'm surprised it took this long for someone to mention Mr. Kinsey and his scale. 'Tis a very nifty tool indeed. Edited by Enzora
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Prolly cuz any phobic hetero Bible-thumper says that it is unscientific bullshit since he slept with his subjects...nevermind that creationism--oops--"intelligent design" is unscientific bullshit... Tangent: people like that really sadden me. I am 99% sure that this guy I used to be friends with is bi or gay (and his older bro most def is gay), but his mother is such a hate-spewing Bible-thumper that both of them have severe psychological damage and are very much in denial. Just saddens me since I have no idea what they must go through on a daily basis... :( Edited by Croc
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Some really good posts above Yea, the whole thing is crazy, there really is no likely explainations, it is what it is. I dont understand people that like to dress up and "role play", I dont get the S&M thing either while at the same time Im a "sicko" on my own terms, there is things I would do or try or have done that others would make others "never talk to me again" or at least they would tell me there is something wrong with me :lol: As for anything Bible - well it is well known that there is some real sexual problems in areas revolving around "bible". We wont get into that. Well what the hell, My sister had a boy friend in high school, if he wasnt gay Im not .......um white. All of a sudden he went into what ever that was ministers go to, sorry cant remember the word. Minister college. He broke it of with her and said he was going to be celibut, never tried to spell that, sorry. I figure he was gay, finally came to terms with it and in shame decided to seek "God" to save him from his "sins". I mean I caught them fooling around so he was trying but then.... well I dont get it, I believe he was gay and in the 70's so ashamed he went "bible". Then we know what happens when they cant take it anymore. :o You are correct, that is very very sad. It is what it is, bit it still gives me a wierd feeling :unsure: but it gives some of you a gay feeling hey I think I get it now :CG_all:
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I've always figured once oreintation was definitely just nature, not nurture. I do think that the '18' rule in America and abroad is more a function of trying to assign one 'rite of passage' age to every facet of human life (except drinking). My MIL was 16 when she got married, been married for like 55 years now. Tell me FIL wasn't 'robbing the cradle'. Thing is, your average 16 yo high school girl nowadays is a proverbial slut in comparison to my MIL's behavior back then. Considering our body makes changes to adulthoood when we are 13 and 14 and 15 etc. but somewhere we've set up society here so that we've created this taboo zone from then till 18. I think it makes as many problems worse as it does keeps things from happening. I think we in some ways are isolating our younger folks from becoming responsible adults early enough, as much as we are protecting them from bad things happening. kind of a touchy topic all around. But considering how many older guys would be hitting on their neighbor's daughters if it weren't illegal, maybe that means its fine we have those laws in place. Edited by regfootball
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in all thruth, it is culture that has allowed homosexuals to exist to this day, as natural selection would have largely eradicated homosexuals, just because they cannot continue their line (where culture is an extension of evolution, allowing to continuation AKA taking a wife even if you are homosexual as history shows many have done) Anyone else see this as a fesible point or am i just crazy? -Disclaimer, i really have nothing against homosexuals, i just want to see if my thoughts seem logical.
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in all thruth, it is culture that has allowed homosexuals to exist to this day, as natural selection would have largely eradicated homosexuals, just because they cannot continue their line (where culture is an extension of evolution, allowing to continuation AKA taking a wife even if you are homosexual as history shows many have done)

Anyone else see this as a fesible point or am i just crazy?

-Disclaimer, i really have nothing against homosexuals, i just want to see if my thoughts seem logical.


You're crazy....and let me tell you why. Gay people can't continue their own line?? You think gay people breed gay people? Every gay person has come from a straight woman. So if natural selection was to eliminate gay people, straight women would have to be eliminated. That of course would lead to the elimination of the human race.

Also I have to say you're line of thinking is one of the more disturbing in this thread so far. I dont mean that as an insult, just a very disturbing way of thinking. It makes your disclaimer at the end a little hard to believe. Edited by CD/BP
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You're crazy....and let me tell you why. Gay people can't continue their own line?? You think gay people breed gay people? Every gay person has come from a straight woman. So if natural selection was to eliminate gay people, straight women would have to be eliminated. That of course would lead to the elimination of the human race.

Also I have to say you're line of thinking is one of the more disturbing in this thread so far. I dont mean that as an insult, just a very disturbing way of thinking.


No... i said culture is what helps. culture allows humanity to do in 5 years what evolution would take 5000 years. If the "norm" is to produce offspring with women, then even the homosexuals tend to do this out of fear of being rejected... case in point Alexander the Great.

all i am saying, is that it is impossible to reproduce without the opposite sex, thats it. and by "their own line" im referring to the family line. So, obviously, if you dont have sex with a member of the opposite sex there is no hope of continuing the family line, and thusly it vanishes from the face of the earth.

im looking a this from a scientific view cause im weird like that, not from any emotional bias. natural selection, by definition, selects the strongest and most capable of reproducing as those that survive.

hopefully that clears things up a bit, and like i said earlier i mean no harm
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