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The C&G Curse ALMOST Hit Me


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So I was driving down the road and my turn is coming up, so I put on my blinker to turn left. This girl (I doubt she was any older than 16) is in the opposite lane that I'm about to turn into, also wanting to turn left. She has a stopsign, and I don't. So I begin to turn left, and low and behold she begins to pull forward right as I begin to turn. I see this, and honk and slow down. Meanwhile she gives me the "what the hell are you doing?" pose with her two hands up in the air while I mouth some less than nice words. So, luckily by honking she actually stopped what she was doing (but didn't realize she was in the wrong, dumb bitch) and I didn't join the ever-growing group of C&Gers that have been hit by dumb drivers.

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Something similar happened to me over the summer. Driving down a two lane street facing a Dodge Ram, it wasn't until too late that he decided he was going to turn into his driveway. Couldn't go around thanks to road workers, so I tried to beat him to the driveway. Dumbass drove right into me.

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similar thing happened to me... i was driving down a road which i know has only one stop sign... the single stop sign on this road is 4 blocks away from me as i approach an intersection and see a car comming, i slow down a bit but keep going, knowing that the other driver has a stop sign, but the other car keeps comming, i slam on my breaks and my horn simultaneously, make an "unfriendly" gesture and drive away... people suck at driving i swear

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The curse almost hit me twice today. I went to the store to get something, and some old lady in a handicapped spot starts to reverse just as I'm passing her. I slammed on the brakes and the horn reflexively, and I swear, she came just an inch from backing into me. She drove back into the space and I drove off and parked. She was however nice enough to come up to me after I parked and apologize, so there was no hard feelings. I said it was alright, no problem, and we both carried on.

Then later on tonight, I was going to my mothers house, when I was stuck behind a slow driver in moderate traffic (30 in a 45...he was on his cellphone of course). So finally an opening comes up and I overtake him, but as I straighten out, some stupid bitch in a Malibu CUTS ACROSS THREE LANES OF TRAFFIC AND SLOWS TO A CRAWL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I slammed on my brakes hit the horn and the high beams as she decided to flip me off, and then cut to the next lane of traffic. I got pissed off and decided to follow her, as she turned down a street. I pulled up next to her at the next red light and she's about 16 or 17, with a carload of other girls. I started yelling at her to watch where she was going, she almost hit me and that she's lucky I wasn't a cop, or else she'd be in real trouble. So what's this stupid bitch do? She returns with a VERY slurred "f@#k you, stupid faggot!" and throws a full Taco Bell cup through my open window, exploding on me, my seats and everything---and as luck would have it, it's Hawwaiian Punch, something bright red and very staining. She immediately peels out from the intersection RUNNING A RED LIGHT, and drives off as fast as she can.

Oh you can bet the Newport Beach Police are looking for her tonight!

Edited by Turbojett
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None of you can complain until you've driven on the Belt Parkway.

How about having someone in the left lane of a parkway, while everyone is going 70, come to a dead stop. Fortunately my friend was driving defensively in the middle lane, and she stopped as well, because, WHY ON EARTH WOULD SOMEONE COME TO A DEAD STOP WITHOUT A REASON ON A PARKWAY?! This dumb bitch made a 90-degree right turn across 3 lanes of traffic, to get to an exit she just missed. When she got into the right lane, we heard a loud screech, followed by a Sable going almost sideways off the parkway (thankfully into the exit), trying to avoid the car. Nice.

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Then later on tonight, I was going to my mothers house, when I was stuck behind a slow driver in moderate traffic (30 in a 45...he was on his cellphone of course). So finally an opening comes up and I overtake him, but as I straighten out, some stupid bitch in a Malibu CUTS ACROSS THREE LANES OF TRAFFIC AND SLOWS TO A CRAWL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I slammed on my brakes hit the horn and the high beams as she decided to flip me off, and then cut to the next lane of traffic. I got pissed off and decided to follow her, as she turned down a street. I pulled up next to her at the next red light and she's about 16 or 17, with a carload of other girls. I started yelling at her to watch where she was going, she almost hit me and that she's lucky I wasn't a cop, or else she'd be in real trouble. So what's this stupid bitch do? She returns with a VERY slurred "f@#k you, stupid faggot!" and throws a full Taco Bell cup through my open window, exploding on me, my seats and everything---and as luck would have it, it's Hawwaiian Punch, something bright red and very staining. She immediately peels out from the intersection RUNNING A RED LIGHT, and drives off as fast as she can.

Oh you can bet the Newport Beach Police are looking for her tonight!


Take this as a lesson. If you hadn't started yelling at her, she wouldn't have thrown a drink into your car... Or worse.

In Defensive Driving courses they teach you to avoid making contact with road raged people. You don't know what they're going to do.

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The C&G curse has done both to me...hit me dead on and missed me by a haair plenty of times. The first time it HIT me was in my grandmother's 1992 Ford Tempo on The Hutchinson River Parkway, which for the most part is a two lane parkways either way, eventually it opens up to three lanes as you enter the Bronx, anyway I'm in the right lane doing about 60 in the Tempo, my friend is driving behind me in my Delta 88, which I had just had a rebuilt starter put into....the next thing I know the blue '93-'94 Caravan in front of me slams on his brakes, comes to a complete stop and by the time I was able to slam my brakes, I rear ended him at about 25 mph. The steering wheel went into my chest and I smashed my head on the A pillar, that damn Tempo is so tiny, there was no room to fly around in there upon impact....anyway I totaled the car, and it only had 42,000 miles on it when this happened in 03-04. The Second time it hit me, was on the same parkway in the other direction when a Mazda 626 came to a dead stop in the left lane, this time I was driving my Delta 88, I slamed the brakes, heard a pop, saw my brake light come on as the pedal went to the floor board...said to myself "oh f@#k!" looked at my girlfriend and told her to hang on...then boom into the back of the 626. I hit him so hard he was pushed forward about 3 car lengths...lucky his car only sustained scratches and the Delta 88 didn't suffer anything, except needing brakes and me driving it another 5 blocks of fthe parkway to my girlfriends house using the parking brake to stop at lights.

Lastly here is a near miss, driving down a 2 lane road, one lane per side, and on the oncoming side is a Toyota Landcruiser drifting into my lane, I was going about 30, I imagine she was doing around the same, so this time I was in my Fifth Avenue, rather than getting hit head on, I drove off the road, hit the curb and put a bubble in my right rear tire to avoid this dumb bitch, who of course was on her cell phone. :duh:

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Wow, TJ, that's terrible. In the Cobalt?


yeah. but I used some Resolve on it when I had gotten home and I think it got rid of it for the most part. The stain is very faint; not that bad. kinda wished I had gotten black seats instead of grey right then.

Antoine: I realised that after the fact, but you know, right in the heat of anger, you don't always make the most rational of decisions, and this is a wonerful example of why I need to watch my temper a little more often.

However, the cops called me earlier today, saying that they did pick her and all three of her friends up that night. Their ages range from 16-18 (the driver herself was 16, and had only had her license for three months) and when they had picked the girls up not a one of them had a BAC limit under .08, so not only does she get Underage Drinking, she gets a DWI, not to mention the reckless driving charge, and other possible pending charges. They asked me If I wanted to press charges myself as well, but I said no. I think this will be quite enough for those girls to learn their lessons. I may have to testify against them in court if they move to a trial.

Edited by Turbojett
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