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Going For A New Look, Anyone Else Have A Beard?

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OK I start a new Job in Germany on September 1st. So I decided to go with a new look, I decided to go with a full beard. So far most of my life I have been clean shaven, but I did have a moustache in my early 30's and a trimmed beard for a while in my 30's too and a goatee for the last 6 months. I've let it grow the last week and it is coming in quite full.

Anyone else have a full beard, or had one in the past, any pointers you can give or advice? Let me know.

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This goatee I have is getting on my nerves now. It takes longer to shave in the morning to keep it shaped correctly. Once it gets to a certain length, it becomes more sensitive, and it can get itchy. When I eat, I am constantly afraid I'll get food in it somewhere. I'm shaving it off, I think. I've gotten a lot of compliments on it though.
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Mine looks exactly like this:


No surprise there since 1) I idolize the guy and 2) I'm pretty much an enlightened redneck. (And very proud of it)

I get lots of compliments on it, guess I pull it off well. Someday I'll have to shave though, when I land a REAL job. LOL.

If you decide to go this long you need shampoo to wash it and some kind of wax. I use wax to tame down the sides so it looks full and healthy instead of too white trash.

It also helps to use a hair dryer to dry it. (Seriously, it holds water like a mofo)

That is all.


Oh, and beware of food dropping in it too (as ocn said) That can be both embarassing and disgusting.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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I've tried several times over the years to grow a goatee...no luck..I can never get it very full on my upper lip or lower lip..you can still count the hairs after a couple months. I can do the Amish style beard (all on my neck) but that doesn't look so good.

So in recent years, I've been shaving everything except for my eyebrows.... kind of the Michael Chiklis (The Shield) look..

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I pretty much have to have a beard. I can shave clean at 6 AM and have a full 5 O clock shadow by 9:00 AM, and I'm not kidding about this.

The guys at work used to call me Rabbi Yoder because they weren't sure if I was Jewish or Amish. Actually, I've had people think that I was cuban as well.

But I don't think a beard fits very well in the corporate world. I've thought if I could ever get an electric razor that worked well I could shave 4-5 times a day and go for the clean shaven look...

But that's about what it would take for me. Actually I kind of think most men look sort of silly without facial hair.


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Being Italian, I can grow any facial hairstyle I want in two weeks. After being clean shaven for a couple of years, I'm now going for a shorter, tamer version of the Goatfield that FOG posted. The last time I let anything grow on my face, it was a soul patch that I kept for a little over a year. Having hair above the lips does get annoying after a while.

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why is satty "denali member" and not "tmi/toilet-humor member"?

Edited by Sixty8panther
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why is satty "denali member" and not "tmi/toilet-humor member"?

...not really sure about this, but given enough time I think he'll start acting a little more grown up.


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People love me with a goatee... then I shave and they love me clean shaven. Then we'll have a week off and I have a goatee again and they say, "Oooh, I love the goatee!"

I had a chin-strap in senior year of high school, a full beard freshman year of college. Whether a beard or goatee, I keep it neatly trimmed at #3 on my beard trimmer setting.

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<-- Soul patch. However, it goes in blondish so it's not terribly noticeable and doesn't match very well with the rest of my hair. I used to do the whole beard thing back when I was 16. I'm sure someone here remembers those pics from long ago. I'd like to try it again just to see what I'd look like now since my facial hair has grown in a bit more. The one style I couldn't do is a mustache. The hair on my upper lip isn't very full.

Personally I agree with Camino on the hair inhibitor stuff. I hate shaving. It's too much of a hassle and I haven't be clean-shaved for work anyways.

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Oh, well my head and face.. I prefer the shaved head look rather than the graying horseshoe haircut...

Four years ago I decided to grow a beard again - last time I did I was in college and I was 21 or 22 years old. I've occasionally had a goatee, but I don't like my face "clean shaven". Since my bald spot was growing and a "horseshoe" was becoming more prevalent, I decided that a full but trimmed beard would complete the look :P . I look older than what I am regardless, so I didn't care if the beard made me look any older. Only once in the past four years did I shave it off, and that was a mistake IMHO and the next week it was back on it's way. I will trim back the beard once every 3-4 weeks to keep it short and simple - I'm not going for the Grizzly Adams look by no means!

I attached a picture of me & my beard from this past June (I don't have too many pictures of myself!).


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Here's a pic from a few years ago in Venice..shaved head, looked fat.. :(


My wife hates the shaved head look, so I've given that up.

But I'd love to vist Venice...I am just so jealous!


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