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I would show my drunken pictures but chances are at the time I was too drunk to take any pictures...

18 is too young to drink in this country......smoke weed or something :)
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You're forgetting that drinking is still fun when its illegal and the person doing the drinking is still immature.

Satty, it's funny you should say that... Before I turned 21, all of my friends and I always loved getting drunk. Then I turned 21, and it seem to drastically reduce to like maybe once a year?!

Now, if I drink at all, I'll have 1 drink to be social, and that's about it. Something about not wanting to wake up with a hangover, do anything stupid, or having too many responsibilities now that just makes drinking senseless!

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Uhhh... I do drink and I'm only 16. But, like Paulie, it's usually to be social. It's the only way for me to leave my shyness. I'm not saying I don't do it for fun either... but I only drink every other month or so for special occasions and/or parties. Regardless, I'm still immature. :D

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i am 16 as well, i drink substancially about once or twice a year but i used to drink like a depressed irishman, i started young,

i dont like drinking and getting drunk, i like the taste of alchohol, i dont know why and i know it sounds stupid, but i do,

so i drink like wine with dinner, a beer at a game or party or at the bar/ show/ club, maybe a shot here and there but not getting drunk, mostly when i do that its times of stupid depression and only about 3 times in the last three years

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Sorry dude, but your cubicle is depressing, just like every other cubicle on the planet

I didn't drink much before I turned 21, never saw the point. Now that I am 21, I've had a few drinks, nothing that really got to me, nowhere near drunk. I bought a Smirnoff Screwdriver, which I figured would be horrible, and it is, so its sitting in the fridge still. Apparently if you add pineapple juice to it, it tastes less like crap. As for being drunk, I have, once, the infamous "Jello shot incident" in which I managed to cheat on my girlfiend and discover that alcohol, sex and hammocks dont mix well.

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Satty you are one funky monkey. You kids mix alchohol and god knows what and think you know better. You don't.

In my glory days I once downed a month's worth of quualudes and a 40 of sweet, sweet Bacardi rum and chased it with a box of Midol. My cramps went away. And so did my boner.

Joshie brought it back though. I love my Joshiepoo. In my Malibu.

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drinking + offroading + ford explorer in front of my jeep = a dead explorer....

drinking drinking drinking....

it not all its cracked up to be unless you and a really hot girl are drunk in your friend's basement on a bed....or in the guest room, or hot tub, or garage on top of a WS6, or back seat of a jeep, in the mudd, or anyother place you might have ended up....

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*Looks into crystal ball*


Hi, my names Blackviper and I've been an alcoholic since I was 15.

*Everyone else*Hi Blackviper


whoa anyone else think that the lines of whatchamecallits look like they arent parrellel with the words at first, amazing optical illusion

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:huh: Ooookay.

For one thing, I was 14. For another thing, I'm not an alcoholic. My dad is, though. I don't think he could go one day without drinking beer. Everyone of my dad's side is, actually. All my uncles and my grandparents. On my mom's side, my grandpa was... but got a DUI almost 6 or 7 years ago. Was sober for a few years after, but started drinking again. Not heavilly... Just every once in a while. A little more than me. :D

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Was that my innocent photo that started the discussion about kids and alcohol? :huh:

I'm 20 (yes, I look young for my age <_< ) and in our beatiful country we can drink, smoke, watch porn, drive cars and vote since the age of 18. We are famous for our beer consuption. Everyone in my large family drinks and I have only few friends who don't. Last week my cousins visited me and every day was like :cheers::alcoholic: and sometimes :puke:

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It burns when I pee.

This &#036;h&#33; is funnier than watching a blonde trying to program a VCR. :lol:

P.S. Who ever it was that used Harry's username to PM me can say "Stop with Camaros. No one cares." All I have to say is.

Go $% yourself. If you don't %*&! like talking about %*&@! cars then do not &@#$%! come to this @!*&^ site!

Edited by Sixty8panther
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Nope, but I do have a very good idea of who it was.

well, I know it wasnt me, as I like camaros and don't mind Sixty8's camaro rants...and I don't even have the password to that account yet (speaking of which, you mind forwarding that my way?)...I doubt it was NOS as he has a camaro...a riced v6 camaro at that...I don't know wh else has access to the account...and I am assuming reg has it also judging from his last post...
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I really didn't care to drink much when I was 18-20....one reason why it didn't matter was likely because I was smoking big weed at the time...I haven't blazed in two years, but I love them beers these days.

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Cremazie, those Rockies in that area are some of my favorite places on the planet....absolutely stunning scenery.

Yeah i ve been there to the best trip i've ever had was the alaska hiway just beautiful. somtimes it looks fake!

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Here's one of my in my dorms when while partying, I have bunch of other really good ones coming too, we took over 120 last night at the various venues we visited.

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Man, this time of day I'd love to see a picture of the massively sexy Harry so I can take care of things.

'blu you will be happy, I have uncovered a picture of wpbharry that was taken in the 80's when he was attempting to start up an acting career. He's right in the middle.

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Here's one of my in my dorms when while partying,  I have bunch of other really good ones coming too, we took over 120 last night at the various venues we visited. 

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Maybe I'm starting to get old (I know I'm not, I'm only 28!), but I can barely see you clearly in that picture--it's so small! lol

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there is my fav pic from last night

I am hammered here. I had one where I was drinking a real beer (a becks) but it had bad lighting so dont say anything about the coores light its all they had left at the end of the night.

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