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"I don't much care for..."


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I'll begin here...

I don't much care for....Overhaulin doing brand new cars that are already performance oriented.

First a Mustang, now a Magnum?

If you're gonna do a brand new car, try something that ain't packing much in the balls department....like, I don't know, a Cobalt LS or something.

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obnoxious rims


front-biased AWD

low torque engines with all their horsepower located north of 6/7K rpm.

80% of all FoMoCo products




tree huggers


... more to follow. :)

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If you're gonna do a brand new car, try something that ain't packing much in the balls department....like, I don't know, a Cobalt LS or something.

Hey!! :blink:

anyway, my list:


money-leeching girls

people that think you're an idiot, when you really have more brains in one testicle than they have in their entire heads.


this stupid cold I'm getting

people who try to force their views and beliefs on you and don't let you have a right to your own opinion because they think they're always infallibly correct.

blatant stupidity

bad drivers (esp. ones that hang out in your blind spot and don't F*ing let you over when you need to: "Wait, I have to pass you first")

...more to come, maybe

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Those swoops that Chevy keeps putting on the sides of their cars.  I know it's a heritage cue and all, but it looks weird and cartoonish.

1969 Camaro: AWSOME

2006 Colorado: kind of cool

2006 Malibu: awkward

I love Jim Carey but can't stand Paris Hilton

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I dont much care for:

Japanese cars



Jessica Simpson

Britney Spears

A few of my coworkers that drive me nutz

Louisiana roads, politicians, and Louisiana politics in general

My EX GF who will not leave me be

Howard Stern (Go DON AND MIKE!!!!)


The Automatic Transmission (Spawn of Satan)

Politically Correct Nazis who want to shove their thinking down the throats of the masses and stamp out everything they dont like even if 90 perecent of the country approves of it.

Car insurance companies


Lots more just too much to list.

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I don't care much for...




My stupid f**king computer

My digital camera

Brookville rednecks


Import bashers

Domestic bashers


F**king idiots

Modern Country music



Ricers and their Rice



Salt put on roads because of winter


Waking up early



My smelly ass messy den

The reliable Quad4

People who drench themselves in colougne


That thing that sits there


Automatic trannies



My mind

Stupid f**king idiots


All Religion


My house


Something else


Someone else

This keyboard

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I dont much care for:

The Automatic Transmission (Spawn of Satan)

You rock Dude! I can'tbelieve I left that one out. Automatics do annoy me in most vehicles. Unlike FWD they do not turn me off to a vehicle completely but I do wish manufacturers gave us the choice instead of telling us most of the time that we do not want a manual even if we insist we DO.


I hear you about the digital Camera, mine crap the bed... well my memory card anyway. :(

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The Mustang

top 40

most rap



speed limit signs

cold weather

the way cars look when they have rock salt on them

self centered people

people who think they're better than everyone else

people who don't cover their mouths when the sneeze/cough


people who blow smoke in your face when they're smoking

people who interrupt me when I talk

scrambled eggs

people who ask for my advice, don't take it, then wish they did

people who don't bother accelerating after a stoplight because they need to make a left turn 1/2 mile down the road.

people who look down on me for owning a Chevrolet

NBA basketball

reality TV

the smell of mushrooms (not the "magic" ones)


volume 2 coming later

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... Programming languages and Compilers

Electronic Devices and Transistors

Digital Computers and Assembly

RC, RL, Opamp Filters and Circuits

Numerical Methods and MATLAB...

But I can't. Finals @ Friday. :(

hehe... those could be my answers too... But, i've learned to live with all those things. Maybe it's because I've already been tested on those subjects, and I no longer have to freak out about finals.

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He-he... yeah I'm a hockey fan too but Bruins are where it's at here in Boston. Although I used to date a girl who used to date some guy who played for the Capitals in the late 90s.... Jason something IIRC.

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peeple who cant tipe good

The Internet message board is notorious for this: people who either are lazy typists, can't spell, or simply use the wrong word:

-would/should/could/might OF (instead of "have," the correct word)


-etc. etc. etc.

and you can't say anything unless you wanna get "this ain't english class, what are you, grading me?" or something ot that effect.

Yet these people usually nail their cusses perfectly.

I also can't stand when people have to type all lower case.

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heh I'm guilty of lowercase unless it becomes a really well-written post them in gets the capitalization. I also skimp on apostrophes.

Oh, and the Jim Carey I was mentioning was the very un-funny one in movies.

Edited by Croc
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I hear you about the digital Camera, mine crap the bed... well my memory card anyway. :(

Yeah... Mine's still alive but it sucks.

Morning wood

I hear you on that one... :rotflmao:


The cold

Pontiac haters

Fiero haters

Bland Pontiacs


Dog's barking

High pitched male voices

Low pitched female voices

My hair

BV haters


People who act like People

Dog's f**king barking *yells at Harley to stfu*

Not having a car

My gorgeous carpet




People who disagree with me *grins devilishly*

People obsessed with interiors

People obsessed with me

People... people

Pop music



Fuzzy itchy stuff

Old toothbrushes



Being poor

Not being rich

Weird people


The color Pink

Guys who wear the color pink

Pennsylvanian roads

Lack of a mall or major stores in Brookville


People like me

People like you

People like some dude

People like dudette

People... people, people

No Delete feature

GMI vs C&G

Some dude with some thing




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I don't care much for:

The Saturn Ion (pre and post face lift)

Barbecue sauce

Hybrid cars (pretending to help the environment)

Anyone driving a Volvo sport wagon - total yuppie


Sarah Jessica Parker ( She looks like a foot)

Any of the CSI shows

Jamie Foxx (too much of him in one year can cause a headache)

I can take his huge ego in small doses thank you very much

(which leads to)

People with over-inflated egos

The Monte Carlo

This 6 page paper that I've been neglecting to do for a long time

New episodes of The Simpsons (they became "not funny" about 5 seasons ago)

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The death the Olds

Celine Dion



The Cold

Mercury Capri


Montreal Canadiens


The Smell of fish

People who smell like fish

Celine Dion

Air Canada

Speed Limits

Photo Radar

AM Radio

Celine Dion



Black ice

Drunk drivers



Celine Dion


Bingo bags


Ice fishing




Celine Dion


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- static cling

- pumpkin pie

- slow drivers/left lane

- math

- uncomfortable bras

- badly behaved small children in places small children don't belong

- cell phones in movies/restaurants/in general

- winter weather (and winter sports that make your nose run)

- stereotypes

- people who try to break stereotypes by being so atypical its a joke

- sparkly eye shadow

- people who waste words

I must also point out the irony in LosAngeles post on improper use of the english language in all its forms then his unique spelling of the word "usefil" :P

Edited by staceface
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When it all became the crap it is today. Back in the old days when there was some actual flow and they sang about other crap besides bitches, ho's, and drugs.

So what year was your cutoff point?

Though I agree, I get tired of everything trying to be a club record, or having to be some player/rich guy/gigolo's fantasy. There's more to life than material items and chasing women.

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I must also point out the irony in LosAngeles post on improper use of the english language in all its forms then his unique spelling of the word "usefil" :P

Typing too fast and not double checking happens.

Gotta say also these long lists are burning out the post way too quickly (I was hoping for expanded gripes on one thing at a time)....but you never really get what you hope for on message boards.

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Stupid, senile Canadian tire employees who insist that a set of windshield wipers will fit your car, but they don't, and you have to return them for another pair, and the Canadian Tire you bought them from is a 45 min. drive away, and you tore up the receipt.

That's my rant for today.

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Stupid, senile Canadian tire employees who insist that a set of windshield wipers will fit your car, but they don't, and you have to return them for another pair, and the Canadian Tire you bought them from is a 45 min. drive away, and you tore up the receipt.

You won't believe how many times that exact same thing has happened to me this month.


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So what year was your cutoff point?

Though I agree, I get tired of everything trying to be a club record, or having to be some player/rich guy/gigolo's fantasy. There's more to life than material items and chasing women.

Probably the early 90's. Thats basically when the "Gangsta Rap" era started to began, and the oldschool rap started to fade out. Rap now to me is more negative now than it used to be. Sure there are some postive rappers out there now, but they are outnumbered sadly. Todays rap just doesnt get me jacked up or happy like some of the old school stuff did.

Also my tastes have changed so much now in the last few years. Im mainly a rock kinda guy, but now I have a new fascination. I love violin music. I've been listening to a bunch of Vanessa Mae, and I must say, it relaxes me and puts me in a good mood. The Violin is just such a cool instrument.

Edited by Brandon Lutz
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Ehh, I don't care for closemindedness. Stubborn people also get on my nerves. Also prejudiced folks. They really miss out on life, imo.

EDIT: I forgot to voice my distaste for hairy backs.

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Probably the early 90's. Thats basically when the "Gangsta Rap" era started to began, and the oldschool rap started to fade out. Rap now to me is more negative now than it used to be. Sure there are some postive rappers out there now, but they are outnumbered sadly. Todays rap just doesnt get me jacked up or happy like some of the old school stuff did.

A lot of it with me also is beats....many rappers talked about some of the same stuff today's guys do, but there was more mixed in. The beat is the area where things are really suffering. The lack of soul and funk in the sound is something I really miss. Too much reliance on "the noisiest, tinniest sound my keyboard makes," IMO

Don't even get me started on the T&A overload in videos of today....things are so corny, that some of these awards shows now have a best video chick category. Way too much focus on objectifying a woman sexually....

...and not enough on making a listenable album that will hold up longer than three weeks.

Kev Brown and Common have been the only two bright spots for me this year...

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Jeesh Vipes....some might say you have a less than sunny disposition. Cheer up sparky. :D

Yeeeaaah... :P

Gotta say also these long lists are burning out the post way too quickly (I was hoping for expanded gripes on one thing at a time)....but you never really get what you hope for on message boards.

Well... you should have specified that. But don't worry... I'll go back and add on to each thing for you... :D
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IIRC, Carey played for Boston at one point.


>>>Sixty8 slaps forhead<<<

Yes he did... and I must be experiencing some temporary MR because I KNEW that.

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obnoxious rims

Is there much of this in rural areas?

front-biased AWD

Shouldn't one be happy all-wheel-drive of any kind is in the house?

low torque engines with all their horsepower located north of 6/7K rpm.

Yeah, pretty wack on the street...when engines are revved that high, things happen.
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